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Maybe this is normal, but since that post about the alternator coming apart a week or so ago, it’s been on my mind. So my question is, after I have my speedster out for a drive, there’s a faint smell of rubber from the engine. Is this normal or should I be concerned? Tension on the belt itself appears to be correct.

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Worrying about a symptom after reading about it from someone else is a common malady of “The Madness”.  You are not the first to experience this.   😉

Are you sure it’s a rubber smell, or could it possibly be a slightly leaking valve cover gasket, dripping oil down onto an exhaust pipe and causing a cooked oil smell?  Take a look under both sides of the engine at the valve covers to see if you might have a slight gasket leak.  Wiping the bottom edge of the valve cover with a rag should tell you if it is leaking or not.  If you find a leak, it is a super-easy fix with new cover gaskets.  You can buy them 10 at a time to have spares on hand (I swear I must have 30 of them.)

Otherwise, these engines get hot and they have their own “heat aroma”, but it is really hard to diagnose a smell when we don’t have “smell-it-on-the-net” on here.

Last edited by Gordon Nichols

I am reminded of a story I heard once about a guy who was planning to sail single handedly either across the Atlantic, of maybe around the world, in a sailboat.  He was gearing up in a marina in preparation.  Locals were stopping by to kibitz.  One noticed he was replacing one and another part in the mechanicals and asked what was the problem, as he had a brand new boat to start with.  The man explained that he had bought every replacement part he could think of in preparation and was busy installing all of them.  Reasoning: to find out what it takes to R&R each part, and also to be sure that if one fails, the one he now has as a spare (OEM by definition) will fit correctly and work. A lot of this thinking could be applied to running our plastic clown cars.

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