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Sharon and I had a pleasant surprise today when Teresa Drake (BERT) showed up at the Pleasant Valley Ranch for a short visit. She was in Denver on business and was nice enough to take the time to come up to Loveland to visit us. She brought us up to date on all of Cory's activities during his current deployment in Africa and even chatted (via text mail) with him from our saddle shop.

I am posting a couple of pictures from the visit.

Note to Cory .... when you come home if the Speedster is missing and a silver saddle is in the livingroom --- it's not my fault!

Happy Trails,
Dusty and the Lovely Miss Sharon

1957 Vintage Speedsters, plus various Porsches and Mercedes and Corvette

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Sharon and I had a pleasant surprise today when Teresa Drake (BERT) showed up at the Pleasant Valley Ranch for a short visit. She was in Denver on business and was nice enough to take the time to come up to Loveland to visit us. She brought us up to date on all of Cory's activities during his current deployment in Africa and even chatted (via text mail) with him from our saddle shop.

I am posting a couple of pictures from the visit.

Note to Cory .... when you come home if the Speedster is missing and a silver saddle is in the livingroom --- it's not my fault!

Happy Trails,
Dusty and the Lovely Miss Sharon


Images (2)
  • Teresa at PV Saddle Shop _2_
  • Teresa at PV Saddle Shop
Dusty and the Lovely Miss Sharon are just WONDERFUL to visit!! I got the full tour of the place and WOW-WEE! Just incredible! The cars (and a tractor), the saddles, the spurs, the chaps, the whips, the planes, the bike!! They also have some wonderful artwork all around the garage, the saddle shop and the home. And I cannot forget to mention the great conversations with both of them.

We ventured into town for lunch, and then again for dinner. I got to see a good bit of Loveland.

I had my friend's dog it tow, and she "fertilized" the grass in their dog run, as well as barking on and off most of the day.

I may have been convinced to try to get out to meet more of the Left-Coasters at Morro Bay this spring. I'm going to take a look at the calendar.

Dusty and Sharon -- Thanks again for having me up for the day!!

Cory -- Weren't you saying that you wanted to try to ride Western next time? I think I found me, I mean you, a saddle...
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