Although I have yet to acquire a speedster, I am leaning towards a beck; here are the reasons:
1.) A comparrison of techinical data between the original 356A and the beck are so close as to be nonexixtant.
2.) The most knowledgable person I have spoken with (three times now) of all speedster replica makers out there is Luke Richards of Boulder Speedsters (the West Coast distributer for the Beck... He knows everything and is willing to share! I have had conversations with other Beck dealers (not Kevin or his crew) as well as vintage and a couple of others and no one can begin to be as helpful.
3.) Aside from the tubular chassis, a good thing if you ask me (compared to a VW pan), everything else can be made to be so close to the origial that it is impossible to tell the difference.
This forum thread aludes to potential problems with the Beck. I'd love to know what they might be before I lay my check down. Can any Beck owners offer any advise, can any one tell me why a Beck might be the wrong choice?
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