Thanks Gordon. Yes, that's the mouse feeding port. There are actually two - the one on the other side is used to fill the water dish - but I guess you could use them for O2 sensors.
Lane, I think the fitment problems were caused by the heater boxes, not the muffler. This is a 1.5" system and I wanted to retain heating. I ordered through because they carry both the Vintage Speed exhaust and nice quality 1.5" heater boxes (which work great).
The heater boxes are flanged so you don't have to use those leaky donuts to connect them, but the flanges are aligned to mate with a Bugpack exhaust. If you want to use them with anything else, you need to cut the flanges off the heater boxes, align them with whatever exhaust you're using, and reweld them back in that position. They also include adapter flanges to make everything go together, but Anthony had problems with those and home-brewed his own fix.
When the smoke and epithets cleared, it looked like this:
Note that Aircooled tries to save you and themselves some grief with this warning:
These are NOT a bolt-on fit for Vintage Speed Exhausts and some A-1 Exhausts. To make these work with non-BUGPACK exhaust, you may have to cut and re-weld the flanges to match your aftermarket exhaust flange orientation. Do not order these for a non-Bugpack exhaust system application unless you are prepared to do this work. These boxes are NON-RETURNABLE once shipped.
I suspect some lawyer was involved with them putting the words NON-RETURNABLE in boldface, so you want to make sure you know what you're getting into before you give them your Visa card number.