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WOLFGANG posted:
craig posted:
Hoss posted:

I DO need some steenking badges!

Hey Hoss, how do you get heat out of that vent?

Hoss doesn't have to worry - His is a rare SAS with Subbie engine in the back seat!  He laughs at air cooled troubles.

Wolfgang is correct.  The deck "vent" is a dummy since no air passes through it.  If it did, the rain would soak anything stored in the rear trunk.  

I have one of the  bronze/gold non-colored badges (and a full production colored badge also).  

My intention, is  when I buy a new speedster, to color the  non colored badge, with the 2 colors Kirk, et al, use in their/my new selection.  For example,  Jim's black and cognac / cinnamon, body and leather color. Use those 2 colors in the badge?

Or is this the madness gone too far?


Art, I don't think it's possible to "go too far" with a touch of personalized/unique panache (tasteful dash or flamboyance in style or action!)....but my feeling is that recoloring a classic SOC grill badge verges on sacrilege (irreverent violation of what is sacred)....Sort of like replacing the 'red,white & blue' of a displayed National Flag to match the window trim of your home. 

Luis, I think this dramatic single headed eagle (356 outlaw badge) is the Imperial German insignia, whereas the Imperial Austrian emblem is double headed...But I really like it, and I've got a perfect vacant spot for it....Where can I get one?

BobG, I've wracked my brain but I still don't get the coy reference to Rich's Japanese language lessons....Please enlighten me.

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