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First I would like to say Thank You to Theron and Michael Crouch for their hard work. The setting was perfect. The weather held off (at least for me) I went home Saturday night.Even though it was a bit cool and cloudy it was really nice seeing everyones cars parked on the grass. It was also nice to put faces to names. Karl,thank you for selling me your oil temp. dip stick. Eddie Janis,your car is numero uno. I'll give you a call the next time I come over and maybe we can cruise to Pismo or Cambria or something. Vince, Jim, Angela. It was nice meeting all of you. I can't wait to do it again. I hope this becomes a Yearly event. Theron, Thank's for the bottle of wine you gave everyone who attended with a car. That was just a little extra on your part and was really appreciated. Oh and Eddie, don't drink all that tequilla at once(he he).
Thank's again everyone I had a Great time.
Eddie Parnell
ps I would post pictures but my digital cameras battery died.
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First I would like to say Thank You to Theron and Michael Crouch for their hard work. The setting was perfect. The weather held off (at least for me) I went home Saturday night.Even though it was a bit cool and cloudy it was really nice seeing everyones cars parked on the grass. It was also nice to put faces to names. Karl,thank you for selling me your oil temp. dip stick. Eddie Janis,your car is numero uno. I'll give you a call the next time I come over and maybe we can cruise to Pismo or Cambria or something. Vince, Jim, Angela. It was nice meeting all of you. I can't wait to do it again. I hope this becomes a Yearly event. Theron, Thank's for the bottle of wine you gave everyone who attended with a car. That was just a little extra on your part and was really appreciated. Oh and Eddie, don't drink all that tequilla at once(he he).
Thank's again everyone I had a Great time.
Eddie Parnell
ps I would post pictures but my digital cameras battery died.
Those of you who didn't attend missed a great gathering. The event was considered a success by all. This is a excellant location, and a great deal of thanks go to Mike Crouch, and Theron. Most wives attended, and we had members from Alaska, Medford Oregon, San Diego, L.A. and everywhere in between. If you were waiting for the San Luis Porsche show......go ahead and kick yourselves, because THIS was the event not to be missed.

It was also very nice to have Kirk, and Mary from Vintage Speedster present, as I heard,,,Kirk took orders for 7 speedsters from this event. There were 2 speedsters that were each less than 48 hours cool ! ( One was Theron's new ride.)

Gary Clarke
"The vacaville Guy"
I want to thank Theron and Mike for all of their work in organizing this event. It was GREAT! Sharon and I had a terrific time and really enjoyed meeting and visiting with everyone and putting face to the names. The town was nice and the accomodations were top drawer! Good job, everyone! We particularly enjoyed the winery tour Sunday even if we northerners (Colorado and Alaska) had to form a "Pontiac" club and you made us drive in the back !!! [Anyone who wasn't there, ask Theron]

We will definitely plan on coming back next year.

We are heading to Carlisle in a couple of weeks. I hope the members there are as nice as the west coasters! (I bet they will be and it will be more great times!)

Drive careful, smile wide and have fun!
Just got home from Paso....I must agree with Gary, everyone I talked to had a great time....Good to see some old faces and a few new ones.
The weather looked threatening at times, but we stayed dry, cold was another story.....Don't know what the final count of cars was, but it really did't matter, I think the setting was the best, even the wifes had a good time. Could never had taken mine to Knotts cement parking lot for 2 days.......

Paso gets my vote for next year.........
Ann and I just got back to Windsor from Paso (after a total of 659 miles in the wailing buckboard!). We had SO MUCH FUN at Paso. Like everyone else, never enough thanks can be spread between Mike and Theron -- like, first of all, thanks for letting the spyders tag along. And, the city of Paso Robles plus all those hundreds of people were so friendly and gracious.
Please, please invite us back again next year. I'll even bring a nice blue car cover to raffle!

Mark and Ann
Put in me in line for a big THANKS to the beautiful locale of Paso Robles. The people were terrific - made us all feel welcome. The park was a great a spot and the roads are a blast! This was everything I hoped the event would be - except next time I want my car because clearly most of you were having too much fun!!!

Further - there is some GREAT mountain biking around here! Just got checked into my hotel (near sacramento - flying to Connecticut tomorrow). Took 101 north, peeled off and crossed at Pacheco Pass. Stopped at San Luis reservoir and mountain biked for 4 hours. Sunburned!!! That's right I'm SUNBURNED!!! (not that it takes much)....

Of great concern to me - did Karl make it home OK? Larry Jowdy did call me and give good advice but as I had the phone off, I was already 3 hours north... If Karl can make it to Larry - Larry can fix 'er up in a jiffy! In the meantime, I'm going to learn about VW engines and carry repair items all the time in case a friend needs a hand. Pay it forward as my turn for needing help arises frequently...

So much fun to see all of you, I took a TON of pictures but I can't use my work computer to upload them, so it will have to wait until I get home on Friday.

Next year - PASO OR BUST! angela
I would also like to thank all for a great event and I was glad to meet lots of new friends and some fantastic cars. I am just sorry that I had to leave early from the park due to illness. I made it home in about hour and a half for the 100 miles I had to drive. Also missed all the rain - only had a wet road right at the top of thw Questa Grade - then clean sailing home. Car ran great - faster than I wanted to go. Today I feel much better with the medication taking hold. Hope we can do this again. Gert, VWracer#70
The Paso show is now history and I already have my next appointment at the Jowdy compound to fix a backfiring, spitting through the carburetor Spyder that did not run well enough to enjoy the beautiful roads on the central coast. I did meet lots of helpful folk who got their fingers dirty to try and find out what the HELL is wrong with my BEAST; thank you Angela and Mark and many other, for giving it your best effort. Thank you all.
Hi Guys,

Longtime no post.I just had to chime in and thank Theron and Mike for the very friendly and smooth running show.

It was good seeing everybody again, Eddie, I promise not to drink all that Agave Elixer without saving some for you.

Gary it was good to see the Vacaville Guy again. I hope you did better than I did with the shirts, you sure had some cool ones.

Dusty, it was a great pleasure to finally meet you and your lovely wife. From one craftsman to another, I know your ride will be primo. I'm sorry we didn't hook up after the tour, I called the hotel when I got back to set something up, but you had already checked out, and I didn't have your cell. Maybe next time.

Vince, glad to see you again, and your beautiful right seater. You are THE wild man. I want that shirt!

Angela, You get the GEARHEARD AWARD this year for sure. Please bring the black monster up next year. I'll be your wing man anytime.

Jim' It was very nice meeting you. If you find another suit case like yours please let me know. Laughing Elephant...Laughing Elephant...Laughing Elephant...

Richard, thanks for comming and bringing your lovely wife,Chris sure enjoyed talking with her. You're so close, lets go to the races sometime.

Karl I'm sorry the spyder was sick, It sure looked great. Don't feel bad they all get crankey sometimes, you know, like women. Anyway you get BEST DRESSED AWARD. I want Your source. Please email me.

Until next year,
Eddie, CCK
Central Coast Kahuna
Karl, I am having that same problem. With a loss of power too. I have 40mm Dells on a 1776cc motor and a set of 45mm Dells that a friend gave me to try, but could not get motor to run or idle with the 45's. I turn motor off for a few seconds and all is good again until I want to stomp on it and again loss of power. Who is Jowdy? I need help too!!!!!!!!



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  • Dsc00005
To all of you,

Thank you for embracing us "newbies", it was one of the best weekend getaways that I can remember, Paso Robles is such a beautiful spot. We had an absolutely fantastic time! We are looking forward to next year. It is so cool meeting the face behind the names!

A special thanks to Mike Crouch and his lovely wife for hosting us at there home. The wine was delicious and the snacks were quite tasty! Mike, we sure enjoyed the winery tour on Sunday, we joined 2 new clubs, and are looking forward to next year.

Theron, thanks for all of your work to, every thing ran smoothly (even if I didn't win the cover) . You have a lovely wife, I sure enjoyed talking with her. I know you think your new ride was the newest, but if you really think about it, your's had to have been done by 9-10 am on Thursday, in order to get it to you at 3 pm. I didn't even pick mine up until almost 11. So sorry my girl was the newest (haha)!

Take care,


Gabe: Larry Jowdy is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable folks around, NOT only air cooled technology, and the only guy who touches my Spyder. Barry Schmidt drove down from Santa Rosa to Paso, and then to Larry's place in Ontario, CA and left his car to have a bunch of work done. Larry Jowdy Info:

Home Phone 909-391-3465
OK, so I'm sitting here in back in AK thinking of the warm weather we had in Paso...Woke up Tuesday morning to go to work with 2 inches of fresh snow, that was so wrong! Big thanks to Mike and Theron for doing the behind the scenes work. Mike your wine was/is superb! It was nice to put faces to names as mentioned above; it was great to meet everyone. Monica and I had a wonderful weekend; it would not have been possible without the SOC! Vince, I'm not scared of you anymore, Ha! Angela, it was a pleasure to finally meet the great one! Jen, what a beautiful baby you have. Even though Dusty and I had Pontiacs, you still made us feel like a part of the group, Ha! 2 votes for Paso next year! What a way to start the season up here. Next year I'm driving down, I


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  • New Arrival1
Hey Jennifer!

That car is SO you! Don't your cheeks ache from smiling so much while driving your Speedster?

Vince, My Brutha!

We stopped off on Pismo Beach because the weather brightened up. Hung out for lunch on the beach. However, on the way home my throttle cable snapped. Fortunately I was able to McGuyver a fix and made it the rest of the way home without incident. Worked so good, I might even drive it like this on the Arrowhead cruise.

On that parts/tools list to carry in your car, add (1) Shoestring (2) speaker wire and (3) anything you can find on the roadside to kick the s*** out of and swear at when your throttle cable snaps.


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  • Pismo 1c
  • McGuyver
Just wanted to give a big THANKS to Theron and Mike Crouch. Great job in putting this event together. Mike: Thanks for inviting me to your house. Your wine cellar is nothing short of incredible....your wine, too! It was a pleasure for me to finally meet all of you whose posts I have been reading for almost a year.

I finally had a chance to meet Karl Dempwolf and try to give some rather feeble help in getting his Spyder to behave. Aw, heck, all I did was loan Angela and Mark Patty some tools. They gave it their best efforts, but without the good results I had expected. The gremlin still lurks somewhere in the innards of Karl's beautiful car. My wife and I tandemmed with Karl back to L.A. on Hwy 1 on Sunday morning, but only after knocking off a bottle of red wine and enjoying some great conversation at his place in Cambria the evening before. Karl is just an excellent person, loves cars and is a fine painter to boot.

The rain had stopped on Sunday, and the weather was glorious. I tagged along with Karl to his place in Sherman Oaks then took my car to Ontario to have Larry Jowdy do some improvements. The whole event, including coming down the PCH was finer than frog's hair. Hope we can do it again next year. My thanks to Larry for being such a neat guy and for having the knowledge and time to get those 5-bolts installed, plus a few other goodies. Can't wait to fly back down from the SF Bay Area to pick up the car.
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