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Have NO idea how I would do it. Thought with my rollbar, I could center most of the weight of the bike carrier on the top of the roll bar. As only a balance, sit a portion on the windshield and also put a tie to the engine hood for further stability.

Anyone know of something that actually works well? A better idea? An improvement on mine?

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Have NO idea how I would do it. Thought with my rollbar, I could center most of the weight of the bike carrier on the top of the roll bar. As only a balance, sit a portion on the windshield and also put a tie to the engine hood for further stability.

Anyone know of something that actually works well? A better idea? An improvement on mine?



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  • sorear2
I would thnk that, given how fragile the windshields are in Speedsters in the first place, ANY additional stress or torque would cause it to crack. They LOOK rugged, but they're not.

Might be far better to get a regular 356A-style luggage rack for the back, and rest part of the weight of the bike on it, and some of the weight on the roll bar, trying to balance the weight distribution as best you can. THAT way, you'll not be putting any added weight/stress on the windshield.

I've seen some heavily loaded 356A luggage carriers in the past, and they seem to take the weight well (although they were typically on steel-bodied cars) so spreading the weight between your roll bar and a rear carrier would be good,

Yeah... didn't think about the luggage rack I'm getting ready to install. I think that's the ticket. Add somesort of bar off the luggage rack, attach it to the bottom of a bike roof rack like Thule, again mostly for balance. Add somesort of strap to stabilize the roof rack adding a hook off the transmission column.

Luggage rack seems to be a good place to start, rear wheels on the rack. I was thinking of the windshield but thought it might not be best place. We do have Trek 5900 which are 16.5 lbs for my wifes and about 17 lbs for mine. If we can figure out a way to get our bikes and speedsters up to the Wine Country we could do both.


Use one of the regular 356 luggage racks, you can mount the rear of the bicycle (wheel on) to that. On the roll bar mount the bike using the bike's fork to a quick release. There's a couple of companies out there who sell a quick release that is designed to mount to anything (usually a board but your roll bar will work also). The last couple I have bought were from local bicycle shops ad cost $18 to $25. They have a flat surface with a quick release for the fork and then two bolts to install the unit. Bolt it to the roll bar. That will be your ridgid point of contact. On the rear wheel to the luggage rack, you could secure it with a simple tie-down. This is strong and safe. Leave your windshield alone....

And if you are in Oregon, look us up and bring your bike!

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