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i was hoping I could pick your brains helping me diagnose a blinker problem before I tear in to the car.  Wiring and electrical are my Achilles... 



- VS built 2013, 11,370 miles.  


- last week blinker started blinking slowly.  Today on a beautiful drive back from

Leavenworth Washington to seattle by blinkers stopped blinking.  Found out by getting pulled over.


- blinkers (fwd and back lights) turn on... left and right OK.   Unfortunately they don't blink.  And the tach blinker light does not turn on.



- could this be as simple as a bad blinker flasher relay?


- could it be something else-- like a loose ground, burned out linker tach bulb, bad blinker switch? all other electrical works great?


- do you know weather VS uses the two, three or four prong relay? Fit was dark when I got home and could not really see dry well under the disc. ( looked like a two prong.)


- what's the easiest way to acces the relay?  Under dash, or by removing the tach?  Relay appears to me mounted/ glued on top to of the steering column, under ther tach....  And my 6'1 180lb frame could barely wiggle under the dash to take a look.  Almost need to remove the steering wheel to comfortably slide under the dash.


your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.










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Thank you guys. 

- on my VS, teh relay appears to be siliconed in between the steering column and the Tach.  too small a space for my big hands to get at.


- i will order an electronic relay one see where that takes me.


- The cop pulled me over thinking I had a brake light that was burned out, and claining i didnt use my blinkers when changing lanes.  I didn't get a ticket, just a warning to use my bllinkers and fix my brake light.  (he took about 6 pictures with the car ;-))


thanks again!



Originally Posted by Lfepardo - Seattle, WA, 2013 VS:

and claining i didnt use my blinkers when changing lanes.



I think the last time anyone was pulled over in California for failing to signal a lane change was 1987. 


I'm pretty sure signalling is still required by law, but it's been largely replaced by the very popular macho game of seeing how small a gap in traffic you can jam your way into without signalling. The bigger the truck you're driving when doing this, the more points you score.


The truly accomplished start their lane change when they're right next to you. If you hold your ground or honk your horn, YOU'RE considered the a$$hole and usually get the bird for being so clueless about the rules of the game.


Good luck with the flasher replacement. After spending many hours wedged upside down under my dash lately rewiring things, I learned that there's only a vague resemblance between any 'official' VW wiring diagrams and what's actually installed in the VS.


And oh, it helps a lot if you put a pillow for your head on the driver's side floor before you start. Figure out how you're going to light the work area hands free first, and have some drinking water, emergency food, and a cell phone with you in case you get stuck.




Stopped by a local vw garage and picked up a new relay.  With my 7 yr olds help, I was able to walk her through unplugging, removing, and replacing... Instead of silicone we installed a small braked that holds the relay in place.   She earned her college tuition today!!  


new relay fixed the problem.


Seriously, it was very cool having her hang out with me in the garage and work on the car....  Hope it sticks!


Drivng down to Bend Oregon tomorrow for two weeks of R&R... Longest drive for the car to date.  Fingers crossed.


thanks again...  Wiring/electrical is always mystery to me!    



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