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Last week we moved from the townhouse, where we'd never been snowed in, to a new neighborhood. We have a driveway now, and a garage. We also got record snowfall amounts this week; it's snowed three times since we moved in.
I'm not an especially big fan of the cold, of snow -- or of shoveling. This week, I got the joy of shoveling the new driveway. I'll estimate conservatively that the driveway is about 75 feet long, but it felt like about a mile.
I know you Canucks are laughing out loud, eh. Dusty's probably in stitches. I'm just relieved to be done.
My buddy Matt (whose garage the Hoopty still lives in) came by with his Suburban and picked me up to go to work this afternoon. He got to the nearest intersection he could, and that was three streets away.

And they say there's more to come this week! Who else has some pictures?

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Last week we moved from the townhouse, where we'd never been snowed in, to a new neighborhood. We have a driveway now, and a garage. We also got record snowfall amounts this week; it's snowed three times since we moved in.
I'm not an especially big fan of the cold, of snow -- or of shoveling. This week, I got the joy of shoveling the new driveway. I'll estimate conservatively that the driveway is about 75 feet long, but it felt like about a mile.
I know you Canucks are laughing out loud, eh. Dusty's probably in stitches. I'm just relieved to be done.
My buddy Matt (whose garage the Hoopty still lives in) came by with his Suburban and picked me up to go to work this afternoon. He got to the nearest intersection he could, and that was three streets away.

And they say there's more to come this week! Who else has some pictures?


Images (2)
  • 020710 snow I
  • 020710 snow III
Shades of my many years in upstate New York with lots of snow and cold. Chicagoland had less snow but was colder. Now we live where we have almost no snow and much warmer temps. However, early signs of spring seem to be a little slow in coming this year.

Cory and Teresa, kudos to your snow shoveling skills and may you have little opportunity to practice them, at least for the rest of this year!
I'm with "Hoss."

Cory your pics brought back many memories of Illinois winters. We have almost duplicate photos somewhere. Shoveling is like doing the "Daily Dozen" 25 times! My aching back and lack of sense to buy a snow blower earlier! The first question I asked our realtor when home hunting in Oregon was; "Should I bring our snowblower if we move here?" She said "No, you can sell it." Music to our ears and we built a home here!

Think Spring!
Years ago they had three feet of snow overnight in Detroit. I was one of the few who made it to work - in a non-posi 62 Corvette yet! At one point we drove over some poor bastard's front lawn because the street was completely blocked. Cars were abandoned everywhere. The final three miles were down a freeway median. A six wheel army vehicle on tank treads was leading our parade. The Detroit Tank Arsenal was across the street from work. Upon arrival at work they sent us home!
tertiary=third order, i.e. not main or secondary roads.

I LIKE the change of seasons. We have had minimal snow this year in NY state, for whatever reason, NJ-PA-VA has been getting dumped on. We're getting some on Wednesday, whatever. It will melt soon enough, and then Spydie comes back out. There should be a lot less rain this year than last, translates into more driving time for me. Cool beans, as Cory would say.

Cory, find an old snowblower, and keep it in good tune and in your garage. Buy one in the spring, they're cheaper then. The new ones suck, or more importantly, don't blow well!
You guys are funny. I will absolutely have a snowblower in the garage for next winter. I might have to paint it silver and orange to put it in there, and that might lead to a roll bar for the push lawnmower ... we gotta do what we gotta do.
This isn't my first go'round with the white devil, but it sure is a reminder. I spent a couple years in Iceland and spent some time in Michigan growing up. It is, however, the first F%$#&*! snowstorm I've been clobbered by. It happened to be right in the middle of settling in to the new house.
That reminder about the blizzard in 1977 -- woah. I remember sledding out of the second storey window in Portage, Mich., at the ripe old age of six. We had lived in Georgia and Hawaii before that. We were dumbfounded and too excited about playing in it to realize it was freezing out, too!
Dang. Now that I'm (a little) more responsible, it just seems like WORK.
For the record, Danny, you're nuts.

On an unrelated note, my engine crew was on site for a memorial in the cemetery this weekend. It was for the family and friends of a young Marine who had been on the 'hire' list for the FDNY and who, unfortunately, got killed in action in Afghanistan before his first day in a firehouse. A bunch of his family are FDNY, and lots of their comrades came down here for the service.
The ceremony was held near the visitors' center in Arlington, I guess since the ground under the snow was too muddy and soft for a presentable graveside ceremony.
I don't think cameras, unless they're official, really have a place at a funeral, but I did take a few pictures of the cemetery complex in the snow. I kind of like this one, taken on Sunday:

Got a txt msg from Merklin around 7pm:

The flight they thought would leave for the islands at 2pm finally got out of Baltimore around 7pm. Only a day or so late!

At least they're all on their way today and not Fri or Sat. (Al, Rocky, Max, ECB and wives)

The txt msg was garbled a bit - I guess the Rum that Kim brought to get them all started was working.


Besides......better to drink it than let the TSA goons have it.

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