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I got an email, Friday, from the president of my local club reminding everyone that the last Cars and Coffee of the season at Boston's Museum of Transportation was yesterday.  


What the heck, I hadn't been to any all season, including those at some of the many Herb Chambers car dealerships (more of a place for Herb to show off than anything else) and this wasn't a show, per se, so why not?  Besides, other folks from the 356 club might show up, too, right?


So I put on my bomber jacket and L.L. Bean field gloves and headed off on I-90 to Brookline, just this side of downtown Boston.  Got the usual people driving on the Mass Pike taking pictures of Pearl on the way by and all that, and one little girl who gave me a big smile......and then stuck her tongue out at me!


So I get there and get parked and even before I got out of the car I am immediately surrounded by a crowd of 20 people or so, most of them snapping pictures like paparazzi.  WTF??  


Finally get out and chat with the couple who followed me in, driving their Alpha Romeo 2000 Veloce (otherwise known as a "Graduate" model), wandered over to get a coffee (which was pretty good, btw) and look the field over and.........


Pearl is the only 356 on the entire field.  None of the rest of the club showed up.  No wonder she was a hit.


Anyway, here are some photos and comments of the show, where some people were walking around with SLR cameras worth more than Pearl.


 This is the back side of the "Carriage Shed", which is the Museum's main building and is full of rare, antique cars.  It was originally part of a large estate overlooking the Boston skyline (the view is really cool) that is now Larrs Anderson Park.



 And from just to the left of the Carriage Shed and turned around, this was the main car field (there are more cars to the left and right, off screen).




This was my personal favorite, a beautiful Alpha roadster...... That Audi right behind it is the exact same color as Pearl, who's hidden up a bit on the left. 




Remember Wayne Carini's wealthy car dealer friend, Herb Chambers?  Well he drove his Alpha Romeo 4C over to the show to show it off.  I found that it looks far better in the front, than the rear, but he also showed the Space Shuttle dash to someone and I got to see the odometer - 429 miles.




And some cars, like this Lamborghini right next to the Alpha, look far better from the back (although this one looks great from any angle).




Nice bunch of Audi 8's....




This photo truly doesn't do this flashy paint justice.  It.....really....popped.




A couple of "Mustang Killers" - one big bucks, one not so......




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