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"Gaffer Teresa Hull, a union lighting expert hired by CNN, adjusts the light as buses carry audience members to the Palace Theater in Myrtle Beach. The theater served as the venue for the Democratic presidential debate and as a backdrop for a CNN broadcast from a portable studio outside."

Photo: Wade Spees / The Post and Courier

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"Gaffer Teresa Hull, a union lighting expert hired by CNN, adjusts the light as buses carry audience members to the Palace Theater in Myrtle Beach. The theater served as the venue for the Democratic presidential debate and as a backdrop for a CNN broadcast from a portable studio outside."

Photo: Wade Spees / The Post and Courier

I'm going to have to say ... no. (Was that a trick question?)
I just woke Lane up a few minutes ago and asked him to not toss today's Charleston newspaper out. I looked at the clock as I hit the "send" button on the phone. Oops.
I'm racking up egg sammich debt by the DAY.

FYI; we're going to Orlando tomorrow to drive some trucks up the coast back to NYC. We'll be on I-95 most of the trip after we enjoy Florida for a couple days, if anybody along the route wants us to catch up for a visit. We'll be in a box truck as part of a two-truck movement.
My guess is -- with all the friends we have -- we'll only be stopping for fuel. ... lol


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Sure....give me a holler when you're just South of Savannah and I'll meet you at either the I278 exit (Hilton Head) or SC17 North, 4 exits farther up. Gas/Fuel and eats at both. That's 2 hrs North of Jacksonville or 4 hrs North of Daytona, as a reference.

If it's Saturday, we'll be on Tybee Island (near Savannah) with the car club until just after Lunch, then taking (probably) I95 home (off at I278)


Thanks for looking for the article in print. I'm not sure if it made it to print or not. I just figured it'd be nice to have if it did! The shot was taken on Monday night, as that was when the debate was. So I presume it would have been in Tuesday's paper - if at all.


I make a pretty good Best Boy, considering I'm a girl! For that job, I was the Gaffer, and my friend Richie was my "Best". He'd never done any TV work before, so he was behind on the "Grip-ology", but he was a quick study! I'll try to explain all that to Cory.


I have NO IDEA what time we'll be coming through, but if hours are decent, we'll give you a shout. We're leaving Orlando some time on the evening of the 25th. It's not exactly up to Cory and I as to the pace that we run. So it's entirely possible that we'll be driving well into the night, but we'll see. I suspect that if we stop at a decent hour for sleep, then we'll be in your neck-of-the-woods around 8am or 9am on the 26th. All the details and the exact schedule are a mystery to me. I'm just happy to be with Cory for the next few days!!!
Hey, Y'all!!

Wandering Vagabond Update!

Cory and Teresa were to meet a Teresa co-worker, pick up two trucks full of lighting equipment and "Head No'th". They got there Friday, checked out the already loaded trucks and headed out, planning on stopping at the first weigh station they came to, which was near Jacksonville, just to make sure they were under the limit.

Found out that both trucks were overloaded by a combined 3,000 lbs., which, of course, the DOT guys took a dim view of, so they high-tailed it back to Jacksonville and waited for a "rescue" truck to arrive to off-load some of the gear.....and waited........and waited......and waited. Something like 7-1/2 hours before they had transferred the stuff and finally "headed No'th".

How come this never happens on "Smokey and the Bandit? And where was Sheriff Beauford T. Justice??

Anyway, I heard from them early Saturday afternoon and they were just crossing the river in Jacksonville and, as I suspected, they were only planning on stopping if they absolutely had to (Hang it out the Window! I'm not stoppin!!") so I guess the next time anyone hears from them will be when they get back to their respective homes, sometime on Sunday.

Ah, to be young, in love and wandering around the countryside, living the life of a Vagabond (or a short-haul Trucker....whichever is closer to the truth....)
Well, we made it!

All the stories about our woes in Florida are true. We departed at 3:00pm. We stopped at the scales just after Daytona at 4:15pm. The 24' rental truck was only about 300# over weight (GVW 26,000#), but that was with only 1/4 tank of diesel. Pat's 14' truck (aka "Smokey") was 2300# over (GVW 19,000#). We hooked up with a 53' trailer that was heading down to a job in St. Augustine. It was full of scenery, with about 30 sq ft of floor space available. We filled it with 3500# of our crap at about 11pm. Merrily on our way again by 12:30am. Stopped for the night just short of Jacksonville at 2am.

We arrived in North Bergen, NJ, from Orlando, FL, at about 9:30pm on Sunday. We clocked 10 hours of driving on both Saturday and Sunday.

When we got to the shop, we unloaded both trucks. Then we loaded a few things back onto Smokey. Cory and I picked up my truck (aka "Dixie") from a neighboring shop, then returned the rental 24' truck. Then Pat got in Smokey, and Cory and I got in Dixie. We went to a Dunkin' Donuts for some food. We set back out on the road, destined for Manchester, CT. Pat had a job in Hartford at 8am the next morning, and Cory and I were worried about him driving unsupervised. I got hired on the job (and I was recruited by Pat's girlfriend to make sure he got to CT safely). We left Dunkin' at midnight. We checked into the hotel at 2:30am.

Cory slept Monday while Pat and I went to work. Cory then joined us for dinner (also with Todd, who hired Pat and me). After dinner, Cory and I took a soak in the hot tub at the hotel.

The next day, Cory HAD to tag along with me at work because we had to check out of the hotel. He helped us with the load-out after the event.

Then back in to trucks to go back to Manchester to unload some of the gear at the shop there.

And Cory and I hadn't had enough driving, so we headed NORTH again to meet a friend of his for dinner. Doug lives SW of Boston and kindly agreed to meet us halfway. So we met him in Sturbridge, Massachusetts.

After dinner, we made the 3 1/2 hour drive back to my NYC apartment. We stayed there for the night. Yesterday we headed down to Cory's place in Maryland, where I write this from. Tomorrow Cory works in Virginia.

So, to recap:
Wednesday: Cory flies Baltimore MD to Orlando FL, Teresa flies Myrtle Beach SC to Orlando FL
Thursday: Relax in Orlando FL hotel room
Friday: Drive trucks from Orlando FL to Jacksonville FL
Saturday: Drive trucks from Jacksonville FL to Roanoke Rapids NC
Sunday: Drive trucks from Roanoke Rapids NC to Manchester CT (via North Bergen NJ)
Monday: Cory sleeps in hotel room, Teresa works in Hartford CT
Tuesday: Work in Hartford CT; dinner in Sturbridge, MA; drive to NYC
Wednesday: Drive to Baltimore MD

We've been busy ....
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