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I recently purchased a brand new Beck Speedster and am extremley happy with it. I just got married in October and planned on the wife and I enjoying it together our first few years of marriage. Here we are only in December and "The Baby" is already in production. If anyone in the So. cal area is in the market for a New Speedster you have to see this car. I have spent 4 months making sure everything is perfect on this brand new car. It is dialed. Call me at 626-617-9414 for all additional info........
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I recently purchased a brand new Beck Speedster and am extremley happy with it. I just got married in October and planned on the wife and I enjoying it together our first few years of marriage. Here we are only in December and "The Baby" is already in production. If anyone in the So. cal area is in the market for a New Speedster you have to see this car. I have spent 4 months making sure everything is perfect on this brand new car. It is dialed. Call me at 626-617-9414 for all additional info........
That's a very familiar story. Happened to me many years ago with a cherry Alfa Veloce roadster. A couple of questions: as a new interested-party to Speedsters, I am aware that many people think of the Beck as the cream of the crop (dedicated frame etc.), but is the car's overall performance markedly and noticeably better? Handling better?

Do you have photos, and more about the color combination, options etc.

Finally, how about the essence of the deal - the price?


Sam Brown
Wait a minute!!!!!! Are you here to talk about a car that you bought and that you are proud of, or is it that you are here to sell a car that you just bought?????????? Forgive me, but you have some explaining to do????? I mean really to go on and on about how great this car is that you just bought and talk about how much your going to sell it for baffles me. Maybe this is just a miscommunication on your part or maybe you are being have one day to clear it up or be thrown off the island!!!!!!!!!

Oh wait a minute I can't do that, but you seriously need to clarify your position in regards to this car. Did you buy it new to resell it?? Clarify please are people will assume the worst. We have seen this stuff purposely portrayed on us and we just get a little tired of it.

If this is the old clever way to advertise a new car it really isn't effective. If its not then you may clarify what it is your doing with the car and you will have my apology.

Did you even look at an Intermeccanica???

What a low thing to do.... putting down other manufacturers just to push your sales. Is that what you do for a living CBK?

Sam, This may be a good car or it may not. He has no photos, and he is unknown on this site.

CBK, ybb, I had a VS for three years and it was an outstanding driver and held together through 28,000 miles of driving. I drove it to LA and back with NO problems and the fit and finish was still like new 3 years and many road trips later. It won 7 first place trophys in shows and one for Best Of Show. The DONATING MEMBER who owns it now will testify to it's condition. Don't you put down another manufacturer on this thread again, at least in the name of car sales. There are other threads to discuss the merits of each type.


Below... a picture of a ratty old VS (the only picture on this sales pitch BTW. and it's sold)

Steven....I bought the car new right about the time I got married....Wife is now pregnant and car really does not make alot of sense for us right now......I am going to lose money on this car....plain and simple... This is NOT a scam... If anybody has any real inquiries I will be happy to respond!! Feels like I have been thrown in with the sharks!!
I am half tempted to include my wedding photos and baby doctors note in my profile....will that cure the skepticism? I appreciate your skepticism only because I havn't been in this community long enough to argue it and can see where that type of thing might happen. That is not the case here!!!! Make no mistake....I am legit!!!
Jimbo....Your too much...what do you do...sit at a computer all day and police the Forums?? You might want to re-read my post that has you all flustered. I simply stated my "Personal" opinion about the quality of the Beck vs. compeditors I shopped. Thats it. This is an American website right? Either way Jim....did not mean to offend you... Just very confident in the quality of the Beck Speedster I am "selling"!!!!!
Sam......In responce to the questions of overall performance/handling being better than the competition. I looked (drove) the Vintage Speedster prior to purchasing the Beck. After comparing the two cars It was either going to be a Beck or no car at all. "Personaly" I was sold on the concept of the purpose built tubular chasse vs. the VW pan in respect to rigidy and overall performance. (Feel free to snoop around & to learn more about this construction process) I do have to admit I have far from tested the performance of this car. Like I said this car is NEW. It has less than 200 miles on a brand new CB Performance Built 1915cc engine. In an effort to break in this car/engine very lightly , the engine has hardly seen over 3000 RPM'S. There is not 1 flaw on this car. MINT!! Hopefully by this weekend I can find the time to establish a profile and include pictures for all to see. If you are a serious Speedster Shopper and take the time to come see this car you WILL most likely Buy it. I have not even decided what I will sell it for but I am prepared to sell him for thousands less than a "NEW" one. Opprotunity Knocks!!!!

My Day? My day does not consist of monitering this site. Here is what I did today;

1. 0530 I took 17 pills including Post Transplant Meds Prograft & CellCept.
2. 0600 I was at a fitness center working out until 8 am
3. 0800 I had my ritual cup and a Scone at a joint called the Red Cup.
9. 0830-0930 I sorted incoming used magazines for a Hospital.
10. 0945-1100 I sat at my bro-in-laws shop looking at the local ads for a 1-2 year old P.U.
11. 1115 went to lunch with him and an ER Doc that hangs out there.
12. 1200 got home & did domestics, raking, and etc.
13. 1500 ran over to donate a used jeep to our church.
14. 1600 Picked up my Grandson and laid on the floor playing with his Thomas the train.
15. 1700, Checked the mail and looked at my new NLA catalog, along with my 1st issue of the 356 registry magazine.
16. Dropped off my Grandson at his Mom's and picked up some Thai take out for my wife and I. Took another 17 pills with dinner.
17. 1900 Checked on here to read the threads and post a question.

Yep, all through this day I checked it out here. When I was slipping on my running shoes in the a.m., at my bro-in-laws shop, here in the gargage as I was putting stuff in the attic. Inside on my laptop as I always do. And, if I can do it without messing up the evening, I ALWAYS check it out. Monitor or Site Troll? Nope. Speedster Fever, Yes.

If You Would Like another daily report, I'll start sending them to you. Some days I actually do something exciting. xox Jim

I really think this is the car for you. You see there is more at work here than just a good deal.

It's destiny!

You see you became a registered member of this site just one day ahead of CBK! Imagine that!

You better not fight Destiny my friend, go with the flow, feel the force Sam....Buy this near new Beck Speedster, much stiffer than your Targa...much, much. much stiffer!


I am sure you can't even spell Shill, right?
OK. WOW...

Carson's car is 356.000.095, built into "roller" by me. It is Beck silver with black leather, black top and full canvas tonneau, also in black. I have a file with all of the original build details if anyone was interested. It was shipped to Randy Beck (Chuck's son) for the engine installation/shake down and then to Russ at Fibersteel for some additional items that Carson decided he wanted. Carson lives a few miles from Russ' shop, which is also just down the road from CBMS.

When Crason first contacted us, he explained how he'd looked forward to owning a speedster for many years, but after driving his first he was "turned off". He addressed his concerns, which we were able to alleviate.

I am in NO WAY saying that we are better than any other builder. That is not my intent, just explaining. He was one of those customers who had a very specific expectation and desire which we were able to meet. (Please note that I said "customer", as he is not a "dealer", "reseller" etc...)
I don't know the exact history of his first speedster experience, just that he wasn't impressed. I think he is clear about that in his post. I didn't see him say that any certain builder was a POS or anything... What I DID read, was a fellow speedster enthusiast who is getting ready to have a baby and decided that his speedster isn't as practical as it was 4 months ago!

I also read his latter posts, as I presume they were intended, with a little sarcasm. But again, I have spoken with him many times and knew this ahead of reading. We all know how difficult it can be to convey mood in type.

Carson, I am sorry for directing you to this site without any forewarning. If you'd like me to list your car for you, I'd be happy to start a new thread "Customer's speedster for sale" I'm certain that noone would have a problem with that.

What I really don't understand is why threads like "CMC black speedster for sale" or "2002 Vintage for sale" didn't turn into a donate or die session. They too are posted by non donating members, who were accepted "with arms wide open". I can understand the hostility with the percieved VS bash, but I don't see the post that way.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: The sign at the front door still says "Membership is Free, so Sign Up today."



You will notice I did not say "Donate or Die"

But I do find it odd that "Samuel" who, to my recollection has never posted here before, and registered 1 day ahead of the seller, gets into a chassis stiffnes Q&A and seems incredibly knowledgable about Beck Speedsters....It just seems a little odd, do you think?

Integrity is a difficult thing to convey on a site like this, but I have to say your guy appears to have had a pretty hamfisted start.


My post was directed at the general thread, not you specifically. I know you didn't say "donate or die", but that is the feeling I get around here sometimes.
As for "Samual Brown", I don't know... I see new members around here often. The website listed in Sam's email shows an Ohio address. (Yes, I just checked.) So, I wouldn't think anything of it. 1+1=9?

That would pose two good questions for Theron.

Theron- 1) how often do new members sign up?
2) does Sam have a different IP than Carson?


I have to side with Carey and a couple of others who have posted in this thread. I sometimes get the feeling new guys posting to this site are pounced on if they are unknown and/or don't follow the "rules" to the letter of some unwritten law. Theron has posted his position on the option of registered members to have a smiley face several times but, as I stated in other threads the venow keeps pouring out.

If we are trying to scare away potential (read paying) members and/or create non-participating lurkers than I sometimes think this is what is being achieved. I know for a fact there are people registered on this site who have NEVER posted...I wonder why. I lurked on this site for quite a while before deciding to post something and, by the way, turned out to be the guy who coordinated four Speedster meets in te past two years, including what I would like to think was an extremely successful meet in Carlisle earlier this year (with the help of several others on this site). And yes, I finally decided to get a smilley face.

This guy was beat up because he didn't list a price. That's his prerogative, I've seen many ads for things (including cars) that do not list the price. He was beat up because he said his car was better than other manufacturers - try being the owner of a pan-based, wide-bodied, CMC and see how you feel about some of the postings on this site. Then he was beat up because he didn't have a "smiley" face - I guess Theron has to repost his position on paying to participate or sell on this site. Oh, and while we're at it let's add in a few snide inuendos about one of our few helpful and participating manufacturers.

Ease up. Take a chill pill. Theron does a great job with this site, he knows what his expenses and income are and seems intelligent enough to set the rules. But if we continue to attack new people (reread some of the posts above) there will be a new site developed one day and people will go there. I usually fight for the underdog so might just decide to pull my smiley face - this site is free, right?

I could go on but I won't ... unless someone wants to attack me too.
Bruce...good points..
I would like to make comment on advertisers, who do NOT list a price for their vehicle. This listing under current discussion seems to make an apparent point , by not giving a price. This of Course is my supposition.

This fella knows the following A. many interested and looky loo buyers pop in and out of this site testing their waters for whether or not they either want or can afford a speedster.....B. that the regulars here can spot the value of a speedster of any brand darn near to the dollar of it's actual value. C. if he was so audacious as to ask for a higher price than the beast was worth..most of the regulars would give comments from "Hey that's a what a rip off" and those comments could weel chase off a non-member prospective buyer. And that is why even without a listed price he was willing to upgrade his, and downgrade others.....a poor but often used selling tecnique when asking too much.

So in conclusion, I think the guy is legit, but because he was not willing to disclose his "asking" price means to me, that he wants a little more than "TOP" dollar, and was hoping to snag a newby that he could personally pressure on the phone, rather than letting a description / photos / and a price tag express the value of his Beck machine.

Watcha think ????

Gclarke "The Vacaville Guy"


As I said, integrity is a difficult thing to portray on a site like this.

Look, you may have a point, it might just be an incredible coincidence.

But I have to ask: what does having a different IP address have to do with whether Sam is a shill or not? In my experience, a shill is usually a different person, perhaps a friend who was just helping out, so to speak.

When I see the first post, after a new "for sale" post and the person is totally unknown, signed up 1 day before the also unknown seller and immediately starts talking chassis stiffness, etc., well if it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, it usually is a duck. That was my only point.

You know, I get on here to be both educated and entertained. Early this year, I even felt as though I wanted to contribute to the site because I thought I got some value from it, and that was after I figured that I had already contributed some intellectual value TO it.

After seeing this harangue and the attacks on other people, I'm beginning to wonder why I'm here...'s the Holiday season, and I'm going to enjoy myself. I think I'll take some time off from the Speedster Owners Forum, take a few deep breaths and catch up on life.

Maybe see you guys after the holidays.

Peace, and blessings to your families.

One of the "Speedstah Guys"
To the point: I'm no shill. Just looking to buy a Speedster. Yes, I'm from Ohio and don't know Carsonk from a smiley face. Not a donating member yet, until I buy a car; then I will.

It's funny to me that the two impostant questions to a "seller" were not even addressed. I want to see pictures of the car; and I want to know the price.

If you don't already have in price, are you thinking you'll see hom much this newbie will pay? Wrong interested buyer. Publish your price, so I know hom much -- and so these other guys, who know a lot about the subject, can give me the kind of guidance I need as a newbie.


Good Morning Sam......That was sure some display of ridicule yesterday....I just had to take a back seat and let these guys work out there issues. I attempted to Upload approx. 17 pictures last night that will cover everything from the day the car came off the truck, engine, engine install, and final/current photos. basically half of the pictures were to big of a file size and would not publish so I will have to re-shoot at a smaller resolution!! At that point I will also publish an Asking Price!!! Probably back to this Weekend again.

CBK....most of us have been in sales at some time in our lives so ease up a little and you won't get people so riled up....I told you all you needed to do was explain yourself and clarify who you are and what you are doing.......SELLING a car. But instead you wait and by your own addmission sit back and watch people post without just simply explaining what it is you want for the car? I just don't get why your wasting so much time on BS just tell the man your price and sell him the car for crying out loud. Theres no crime in this and you don't have to be so mysterious about it.

I too have trouble with picture I believe you on this point, but come on why is the price such a mystery....if your not sure about what you want to sell it for then just list it on ebay and put a reserve price that will make you fell comfortable. It costs a wopping 40 dollars and if you sell the car a total of maybe 130 dollars. Big will sell!!!! But when people ask simple questions just provide simple answers and lay off the used car salesman technique because it will kill you on ebay to.

I was mostly joking with you on the above post, but I had hoped you would just answer the basic questions and move on......instead you by your own statement sit back and watch with what I perceive is some kind of weird delight??? Just sell the car, it isn't that hard your making more out of it then it needs to be. I sold my IM 5 days from making the commitment to sell it.
OK, I saw a MAC reference....

If you have photoshop on it open the pic and in Photoshop RESIZE the picture to 4 x 6 or something relatively small if you are posting them. Then RESAVE and change the name so it doesn't replace the original. Like put a number after the name with the extension .jpg.

If you are going to post them here you can do it without doing anything because the website resizes it automatically.

If you want to be as cool as moose-poop, join It'll cost 99$ a year but you have storage space, free frames, free software etc...

You can see mine at ,



Images (1)
  • 2003_0802_145223AA
I used to enjoy this site. But, having sold my Intermeccanica (can I even mention the manufacturer without getting jumped on?), and not having bought another car, I have been visiting here less.

After recent events on this site, where nice guys have turned into jerks, and more and more jerks have joined in, I no longer want to visit here.

So, adios to you all.

To the nice guys still here, thanks for a good time. I made some nice web friends here.

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