I will be picking up a new speedster from Vintage Speedster next week and will be breaking it in on the way home to Seattle. This is 1200 Miles so most of the break in will hapen on the way home presenting oil change and logictical problems.
Engine is 1915cc with external oil filter
Who do folks think is the best approach:
1. Drive the 1200 miles with breakin oil as provided by Kirk and change once in seattle
2. Buy own oil and get jiffy lube to drain on the way, and fill with my own oil) Can/will Jiffy lube or equivalent do this with out creating issues? Not sure how the 1915 cc engine comes w equipt (plain drain plug or screes and multiple bolts)
3. Find good VW shop in Santa Cruz or San Francisco to do the 500 mile change/work (recomendations)
Interested in opinions...
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