Use an easy out to remove it.
The devil doesn't carry a trident - it's an "easy-out" (which is a complete misnomer).
Easy-outs were invented to give false hope to the truly hopeless, so that the home mechanic might delude himself that there's some alternative to just removing the part and taking it to a machine shop.
Assuming you can hit the exact dead-center of the twisted off piece of hardware with a drill (you can't), and you can drill a perfectly straight hole right down the center (you also can't), and that you can keep from breaking off the drill-bit in the off-center hole you just drilled (ditto) - the tool will either not bite in the hardware (creating a nice chamfer in your off-center hole), or twist off when you try to use it.
When this happens, you may want to just find a piece of handy rope and hang yourself. It'll be easier than dealing with the mess of a hardened tool inside a hardened bolt stuck in a piece of Aluminum. Fire is also an option - either the car or the entire shop, depending. I recommend against immolation, there are easier ways to go.
In the event that you decide you still have something to live for, you can just remove the head and take it to the machine shop... just like you could have before you started, spent an entire weekend on your garage floor thinking bad words, cutting your knuckles, and ruining about $50 worth of drill bits, etc.
Good luck.