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We rolled in about mid-morning for the second day of a two day event, registering as the 201st show field car. No, we didn't win anything as there was alot of serious competition, far more than when we anticipated. We had attended the event in 2002, bugless and Speedsterless, when the show was much smaller and still able to use the grass field that had been outgrown.

This was a judged, non-driving event. It brought Knotts '05 to mind because, except for the kind of cars, was a similar format. If I have nothing else on the docket, I would probably attend again, but would pass it up next time if something better came along.

I did have another option but thought it would be good to get the bug out to give it a good run. In hindsight, I wish I had gone with the other option.
ps. Got one hell of sunburn....gotta use that sunscreen!



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We rolled in about mid-morning for the second day of a two day event, registering as the 201st show field car. No, we didn't win anything as there was alot of serious competition, far more than when we anticipated. We had attended the event in 2002, bugless and Speedsterless, when the show was much smaller and still able to use the grass field that had been outgrown.

This was a judged, non-driving event. It brought Knotts '05 to mind because, except for the kind of cars, was a similar format. If I have nothing else on the docket, I would probably attend again, but would pass it up next time if something better came along.

I did have another option but thought it would be good to get the bug out to give it a good run. In hindsight, I wish I had gone with the other option.
ps. Got one hell of sunburn....gotta use that sunscreen!
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