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Bruce, I think a Speedster makes its own statement without a sticker; it says "I'm cool, you're not!" I would consider a sticker that says "Made Ya Look". Yeah, whatever happened to all the Baby On Boards signs? Nobody cares about their babies like they did in 1985? I want one of those that says "Sullen Teen On Board".
While we're on this topic...
Is there a rule that states that if you have a mullet you MUST think "NO FEAR" stickers are a nice addition to any vehicle?
What about those "BAD BOY CLUB" stickers? I bet those get chicks.
I can't help but want to drag those guys out of their Cameros/Firebirds/F250 Truck and show them how "un-extreme" they really are.
Also... does ANYONE still think that kid (Calvin) peeing on stuff sticker is still funny?
Here in Wisconsin we apparently still do. Packer kid peeing on stuff even more funny. (approximately 4.6 times as funny according to recent surveys.)
I personally enjoy the people that have DODGE, CHEVY, FORD or even PORSCHE stuck across the top of their windshields... just in case they forget what kind of "extreme radical" car they are driving.
Dang it George, I was about to nominate you for "Mr. Congeniality" and there you go picking on my post above! Cool WITHOUT a bumper sticker proclaiming myself so - simply because I'm driving a Speedster. Do I actually think I'm cool? No, I think its the Speedster. It'll be even cooler after I put on my mudflaps with the chrome sexy lady-reclining profile, so there!
This may be a little off the topic of bumper stickers on Speedsters (Speedster Speedster), but do you remember the "honk if you love Jesus" stickers? An upper middle-aged pastor friend of mine and Sarah's saw one on a car and honked, which seemed appropriate to him. The driver of the car bearing the sticker promptly turned toward him and gave him the finger. Maybe he had just car-jacked the car??? I think bumper stickers are pretty ugly personally, but maybe license plate brackets are OK. How about something like "Eat Rice For Breakfast." The only problem with this is that mine won't, but I don't care that much anyway.
(Message Edited 10/3/2003 7:47:43 AM)
Tell us what you really think Ron....

I've found it makes a huge difference whether I am saying it, or someone else is saying it about me. Applies to driving too. I may jump into a hole in traffic and think it was a great move, but if someone jumps into a hole infront of me? That's a stupid move....

Sometimes George says stuff that grates a bit, but when I have a problem with my car, I'm always waiting to hear what George has to say. To be fair, you've got to take the good with the bad.
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