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Well, I've been lurking here for a long time, and 18months ago I put money down for a speester thru SAS/SAW. We now have a 9 Montth old son, and are planning on a second next year. I now realize having a baby takes a huge chunk of your time :). As such, I know once the car is done, having no room for a car seat is going to be a big problem for my wife. That being said, here are the specs I've picked:

TURBO engine (not STi)
Color has not been picked for interior or exterior
Power windows
Manual Transmission

When I last spoke with Steve (3 months ago) it was in line for paint. The body and frame are complete.

So far, I have put $10,000 down, and the $7000 body deposit. I am willing to sell my place in line (18months in) for $20,000. The remaining due on the car is ~$14,000 more depending on finishing options chosen.

Any takers, please email me
Also you can call Steve at SAW and ask him about the Kaniski Cabriolet.

Maybe someday (in 10 years) I'll try my luck at a speedster again.

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Well, I've been lurking here for a long time, and 18months ago I put money down for a speester thru SAS/SAW. We now have a 9 Montth old son, and are planning on a second next year. I now realize having a baby takes a huge chunk of your time :). As such, I know once the car is done, having no room for a car seat is going to be a big problem for my wife. That being said, here are the specs I've picked:

TURBO engine (not STi)
Color has not been picked for interior or exterior
Power windows
Manual Transmission

When I last spoke with Steve (3 months ago) it was in line for paint. The body and frame are complete.

So far, I have put $10,000 down, and the $7000 body deposit. I am willing to sell my place in line (18months in) for $20,000. The remaining due on the car is ~$14,000 more depending on finishing options chosen.

Any takers, please email me
Also you can call Steve at SAW and ask him about the Kaniski Cabriolet.

Maybe someday (in 10 years) I'll try my luck at a speedster again.

My car took 18 months from the time I left IM a deposite. Its only NOW on the Horseless Carriage trailer headed for home. I would think you would take a little loss on the transaction to get out from under. These aren't Ferrari F430's people are lining up for. I should think that as long as the car is not painted yet, you should ask for, and recieve, a full refund. Im sure that since the wait is a long one, the builder would do the honorable thing. Do you think?
I'm going to have my buddies at the scale housees stop Horseless Carriage until they find YOUR car... Then the load will have to be "lightened" by exactly one car (a fast blue one) to make the overall weight "legal...." I'll then take the little blue stunner to my house for safe keeping.

I know Howard, with friends like me ;-)...

Also, I see nothing wrong with selling your "place in line" for a little more than you paid for it. It's not like the money earned any interest for you doing the last 18 months. 3K might be a little steep, certainly wouldn't have made that much on an 18 month CD, but the market may very well bear that premium. Someone could move right into line for a neat car, pick your color, with an updated delivery date.

I don't necessary feel I should take a loss on it. SAW speedsters are very unique in that they have a subaru powerplant that is mid engine. There is no one else doing that right now. There are many people willing to wait as long as 33months to get this car. I am just giving someone that doesn't want to wait that long an opportunity to own a SAW speedster. It may cost them a little more, but someone may be willing to pay a little extra to jump ahead and cut the time they wait down.

Problem is, Gerd, the guy who wants to jump ahead has already spent his $17 grand and is waiting himself. He'd (or she'd) be in the same boat -- selling that spot in line to jump ahead.
I think Kris ought to maybe try to get his money back, and leave the transactional business up to SAW.
Steve-O might like another one; maybe they'll give him a break on it.
I don't want to be a sour puss, and god knows I like the SAS product, but isn't the real question whether the buyer can be assured of any material improvement in the timeline? Is Steve obligated to keep that car in queue if it changes hands?

Given the floating and lengthening time lines out of his shop I'm not sure where it would leave the new buyer?

I've all but given up on the idea of owning one of the cars because I've waited long enough to put together the project money and research the cars. I just couldn't stand waiting years to get one. I'd be on to a new object of desire by then...


PS - And I second the free market suggestion. If you're comfortable that you are in fact accelerating the delivery, some premium makes sense to me too.
Joel, I notice that you have made the above post concerning SAS cars twice. I was wondering how you came to this conclusion. I would think that people that buy these types of cars do not routinely surf eBay. To the best of my knowledge, all completed SAS cars have sold almost immediately upon making their availability known in the right channels.

On the other hand, I would agree that buying a position in the queue is a little more risky. Obviously, the nearer the front the better. I have now seen this done on two occasions with good results. I would not recommend buying up in the queue if one already has a SAS contract, as you would have to sell the old position.

I certainly see nothing wrong conceptually with asking a premium price to help get a car faster.
Ok, I got to ask. How can you be around since 2006, and never have posted until now. I mean, I just got to know, how you could not ask any questions or want to talk to the only two people around that had actually owned one?

Don't get me wrong, there are other owner's, just not around this site. I can't believe you have hidden from us this entire time?? I have to know more!!!!!!!
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