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Hey Warren -

Looks like you had a cool caravan to Rincon Beach (Jeep tow vehicle, Speedster chase vehicle). What a great idea - I'm sure you and the family had a blast with top-down cruising up and down the coast!

If you ever want to hang out in that area without your rig, drive your Speedy and stay at the Cliff House Inn (Mussel Shoals). It's a nice low-key hotel close (nothing fancy) where you can still surf Rincon or cruise up to Summerland (for onions rings and a shake at Tinkers). But then again, you probably already know this!

Peace - Out!
Dan, yes it's the Rincon Parkway.
Jim, or Brophy Brothers at the wharf for clam chowder - the absolute best.
I can tow either the jeep or the Speedster. The only bad part about towing the Speedster is not being able to drive it. I'm having a tow car cover made as we speak to keep all the crud from the diesel engine from getting on it. If this doesn't work well enough, I'll head for the Cliff House.
By the way, did you notice the glass of wine in the RV shot. It was gone moments after taking the shot. Go figure.
I can hear the reedy strains of Tom Petty playing off somewhere in the hills ... "Oh, my, my ... Oh Hell yes ... Time to put on that party dress ..."
Sometimes I really do miss California. Dana Point, San Clemente ... bikinis ... bronze women who WEREN'T raised in Baltimore ("Hon!").
Ocean City, MD, is crap compared to Malibu -- IMHO.
Thanks for the beautiful photos!
Warren, again welcome to the site and the wonderful world of Speesters... You have run the gammit of feelings around your new speedie and some of the problems that might and some times do arise. All these test our attitudes and positive mind sets, but I'm glad to see you are breaking out and living that sweet life. I look forward to meeting you directly in the near future.. Like Jimbo says you gotta "Hook-up" with the SoCal SOC's for a fun run soon...

Regards, and welcome....

Speedster "D" Keep'er under a hundred!


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