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I've been talking to him about getting one of his top frames. All the pictures I've seen have strange bow configs. Way tall middle bow, Way low rear bow. Then he sends a picture of one that looks OK,but the rear window is too high and the fabric he used is loose.
How is yours? He was working on making a better (new) windshield header. How is it?

I bought 4 complete tops with folding frames, headers, tonneau, 1/2 tonneau, and side curtains.

The folding frames arrived first but the tops were delayed due to seemingly development or refinement issues. I think that Paul and I have been early adopters.

The tops and tonenaus are in the post now and will comment further when I see them.

I too was a bit leery as this was not a small purchase, however shipment delays due to being an early adopter not withstanding, he seems a straight up guy.

i paid by paypal.

Greg, my frame is exactly as he described.

i just finished cutting and welding in hidden turn buckles to adjust the tension.

it articulates perfectly. i asked him not to do a header bow mount because i knew it wouldnt fit

overall, it's basic. i guess i have high expectations as things like the pivots seemed cheap to me. smooth carriage bolt with nut spot welded on. i thought adding nylon washers and grinding the spot welds smooth would have been a nice touch. but - like i said, i have high expectations.

as for the bows - they sort of fit my CMC top. it's not a drop in. i was going to have to tweak it enough that i decided to make my own again. i've bent the bows already and now that i have a full working example right in front of me - i'm going to make it perfect for my car.

as for dealings - Robert nailed it. either his hopper is too full and he didnt tell us where we were on the wait list, or the products are still going through R&D. lots of 'some tweaks to the design', etc emails.

i'll sell the other one on ebay or here when i'm done.

overall, i have to stand up for Rafael. he delivered exactly what he said and was polite / respectful.
Mango. I would like to hear many details about your bow-bending and top-making experiences. I have a TD replica & have been contemplating replacement of the two-bow "bimini" top with a real-deal TD mechanism I picked up on the 'bay.

looked simple at first. But lately, the more I stare at it, the scareder I get. Doesn't help that the current top is clean and fits nice and tight...
Thanks for the reply. His stuff looks OK but needs to be "touched" to satisfy. I've been doing my own uphostery and I'm thinking of doing a top for my Speedster. That's why I was interested in getting one of his top assys. At least his are a good starting point and a decent design and price.
Mango and I are a bit fussy, but with a bit or detail work with a sander, the frame can be made a lot nicer. He does not have access to powdercoating, and since I am going to do this anyway, it is a simple matter to clean it up before sandblasting and powdercoating. A little clean up on the welds and plastic washers and job done.

Like Paul, I am going to install a R to L threaded rod in the frame to allow tensioning. My last email to Rafael discussed this and it sounds like he is on this track for future frames as well.

Still waiting for the Postman, however Rafael gave me a free Sonnendeck top since he took so long with my order. That is pretty goes a long way to making up for the delays, and I do not think that any US Speedster supplier would do that.

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