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The State of California has started a program to issue three styles "Legacy" style (color) each for the 1950's, 60's and 70's. Pre-order cost - $50.00.  Choice: you can go with the sequential letters and numbers as they are produced, or get a personalized plate (up to seven characters). They will take "pre-orders" between now and Jan. 1, 2015.  If they get at least 7500 pre-orders, they will make the plates.  If not, refund the money.  I've ordered a set for my VS.  The more orders, the better chance I will get, all of you in California who want to have a yellow plate with black letters and numbers, like the original Speedy would have had in 1957, go out there and order one.  Check out the ca dmv web site.

1957 Vintage Speedsters(Speedster)

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I have ordered mine. Remember that the plates will be manufactured and sent out within 9-12 months after they receive the 7,500 orders, so plates could conceivably be received by applicants as early as October, 2013. For those of us who have been mounting fake plates (and getting away with it), now is the time to "go legal," and not have to worry about getting fines for having bogus plates.


There is another recent thread on SOC that explains things in detail.

Just ordered mine as well... 

Another thread here on the topic.


My only gripe with this program is that the new plates will not be identical to the originals.  Something about them needing to meet current safety standards (be reflective etc).


So I purchased an OG yellow plate that was NOT in the DMV system.  I then placed my legacy plate order and requested a "personal plate" using the OG plates digits that I already purchased.


So I'll merely tuck away the new plates when/if they arrive and rock the OG yellow plate


This is a GREAT work around if you have a VS speedster on a 60's - 70's pan which only qualify for the black or blue plates when utilizing the YOM program.



Originally Posted by LightSpeed:

Bump it back up for some new people like myself.


I ordered mine.


Not sure when they last updated the approved requests, but they are at 4453 total requests. Short by about 3000.

I think getting the word out would help.  Peeps who are not on the interwebs (lots of old people with classic cars) probably don't even know about it.

There was a controversy raised about the denial of three letters/three numbers for those who applied for such an original character arrangement. The DMV Legacy plate site pictures the old style plates with the 3/3 arrangement, but sent me back my money and application several months ago, stating that the 3/3 plate scheme would not be recognized by reason and completely baffling.


Until DMV figures out that seven character/number combinations look stupid on an old plate style that never offered more than six characters, I doubt that many plates will be sold.


Does anyone have an update on whether or not DMV has gotten their heads out of their a$$es?

Last edited by Barry S (Goofycat)
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