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I have been atacked 5 times this week. Im sorry for all the security. but it is a must have these days as a precaution I would scan the email for spyware when you get it before you open it Or snan your system imeditally after .

I have been a very active on this stuff for a while and it dose raise attection from undesirables. like big oil. and maybe even the goverment I'd play it safe. and keep a low profile on this.

If it becomes a hot potato pass it to someone very capable
Barry, put your information in an envelope and mail it to your lawyer. Tell him not to open it unless something happens to you, or what you are working on. Sometimes it's even worth sending it to 2 lawyers incase they get to the first one. Having it mailed establishes the date via the post mark.
Thanks for the warning Ron but I want this to get out there any way it can if it works it can fix a lot thats wrong with this country. and make us oil free . I have a note book and a few signatures and a sealed postmarked letter as cofirmation But be real people don't ge rich from stuff like this any more to many copycats and lope holes at the patent office. If Cory wants it fine. if he decides to spread it to the wind like casting seeds fine But I hope he dose me proud. because this may be the last chance this motor concept gets. this is the 7 verson of perptual power I have worked on. Something needs to give.

It's goten crazy My goal is to get it up and running and proven show the world it can be done.

The heck with Arrab oil.and that dictatorship. If this works look at all the poor countries it could help. This can do a lot of good, and its safe for the inviroment. I feel i have solved the magnet killing problem caused by combing affect like the perendev version had .

Yes it did work at first but the magnets died. and then the german inventer tried to cover his tracks.

We as a World NEED this to Work Badly.

Growing corn for ethanol still makes polutants. Its my hope to use this in a electric car as a charging unit. Most folk travel about 15 miles to work then 8hrs and go home this would run continious all day and nite and you don't plug it in. or add anything.
It can be uses in many applications not just a car .. pic one.

YES Right now ITS JUST A THEORY. This is very different from anything I've done before.. Lets just hope I got it right.
Er . . . ahhhh . . . . I already have two very viable and most likely patentable ideas for free energy. IS there a clearing house for this kind of thing? Anyone know . . .

Had another idea just a couple of nights ago for a ceramic piston/reciprocating "engine" that suspended using magnetic fields rather than bearings and was "fired" by alternating plus/minus electromagnetic triggers. I figure that a "farm" of these little suckers all lined up in a grid would, in turn, feed the grid at a phenomenal rate.


Love to know if there is a place where my two (now maybe three) ideas could be placed and others could refine them and maybe bring them to fruition. A means of dispensing the information.

Almost like polio vaccine was, I guess (rather than the current AIDS drugs.) Free to everyone, no copyright hoarding, benefit the world kinda stuff.
I had a similar idea when I was in college. Mine used a swash plate with magnets on the perimeter as well as arranged in a flywheel on each end. The magnets on the flywheel were arranged in such a way that half would attract the pistons, and half would repel them. They switched polarity as each magnet/piston approached the end of its travel, thus repelling the pistons that were previously being attracted, and vice versa. The similar, but reversed flywheel on the other end served to double the attractive/repulsive forces.

In theory it looked good, but permanent magnets have fields that don't extend very far, at least not with much force. To keep them near enough to the flywheels, the angle of the swash plate would have to be too shallow to develop any torque. Also, friction would probably have been a problem.

Just remember, there's no such thing as a free lunch. The energy MUST come from somewhere. My guess is that conservation of energy would somehow cause such machines to stop running, either by killing the magnetic field, or some other manner. I'd love to be proven wrong. Best of luck.
wrt us needing these things to "Work Badly", I am affraid that is exactly they way it will work -- badly. There is no such thing as free energy conversion. To my mind the closest things there are would be solar, geothermal and ocean and/or wind. Here the energy source is essentially free, but there is more than a little bit involved w/ the machinery (capital costs and maintenance, to say nothing of environmental impact and aesthetics -- think NIMBY). The source is so diffuse and or irregular and of such low quality that huge structures are needed to gather it up. More efficient energy conversion is the more exciting option. Perhaps some of these ideas would be useful for figuring out how to do the old job better. I dunno. The Patent Office has as special Dept. for perpetual motion machines, and let me tell you, there are many of them there.
"but permanent magnets have fields that don't extend very far, at least not with much force"

But what about those rare earth magnets in my computer/screen. The one that I have here seems strong enough to reach into my heart and suck all the iron out of my blood. THAT'S why I NEVER carry it around in the pocket of my t-shirt.

They really do seem strong enough to be put to an esoteric use. Suspending something above something or between two whatevers. Then there are always electro magnets with switching polarity. Maybe not perpetual or free energy, but as part of a device to provide additional energy.

Maybe a single piston engine with low friction bearings or magnetic shells. Crank is polarized plus, bearing shells negative, piston rod is ceramic or plastic, piston is plastic with thin copper plate on top. Plastic plate replacing cylinder head with similar copper plate on top connected to electromagnetic. (Right about now I'm envisioning the model of The Invisible Engine that I made as a kid. 'Cept this is the lawn mower version.)

Piston comes up, is repelled downwards, flywheel takes it through a revolution, bringing the piston up to be repelled downwards and the flywheel takes it through the revolution. As the momentum eventually slows, a lever/ratchet/whatever device is triggered to engage the flywheel and give the little "engine" a push start to begin the actions once again. (Did I ACTUALLY just use the words "push start" . . . ?)

A series of reduction gears/windings/armatures/etc. are attached and inline with the two ends of the crank shaft to provide energy at variable rates. (Whatever THAT means. I'll save that paragraph for the investors sales pitch.)

Maybe. or maybe not, depending upon how much energy is produced vs how much is needed to power the electro magnets/trigger the push-start device. (Surely doomed to failure on any number of levels.)

But it's fun to think about these things. Like my idea for a diesel powered computer, or that steam driven home security system.

Unfortunately, the solution is something that is NEW and not built upon anything that we know of already. UHF/VHF transmissions weren't just telegraphs without the wires. Television wasn't a radio with a visa-screen. If we can think of it, it probably won't work. It's gonna take a young mind with a vision, not an old man with variation on an idea from College. Ratchets, flywheels, plates . . . sounds like we're talking about the Industrial Revolution.
We are talking a 85.5 size pistons both with a apposeing fields. Have you ever tried to pust 2 large magnets together/ With a good flywheel it should easly move it 60 degress to the next cylinder.

If you feel 60 degrees is to far then may I sugest more cylinders a 10 cylinder verson would only have 36 degrees between compresson strokes.Heck I have seen double and even tri Radial engines built by Lockheed that remind me of the prendev version that did work but gauled the magnet after a few hours of combing the fields.. This is just another vareant of that ides.

I am concerned about the load pressures on the cam. causing to much drag ,that looks to me to be the biggist issue of concern. other than that it should go.
Just saw a show on the Science Channel about cars of the future. One guy has built a car that runs on air. He has several cars built and running. He uses compressed air to run a pneumatic piston motor. Car carries compressed air in tanks as fuel and "fills up" by replenishing it from air fill stations. Cost of compressing air was calculated at pennies per mile. Newest design adds an on board compressor that uses momentum to compress more air resulting in perpetual source of power. Every downgrade or slow down creates more compressed air and replenishes "fuel". Very cool idea. No combustion, no emissions except cool air.
What runs the pump that compresses the air at the filling station? Most likely electricity. What makes the electricity? Most likely coal. I believe that the best that can be done w/ a coal fired generation and delivery process is around 40%. That number likely does not include what it takes to dig the coal and transport it, nor the energy needed to build and maintain the power plant, let alone the power transmission lines. How are we getting ahead w/ this concept even if the car engine were to use the compressed air held on board at 100% efficiency, which of course it could never do? It's all fun stuff, no doubt about that, but just dreams vs. any sort of practical reality. The energy density represented by a bottle of compressed air, even if stored at several thousand psi, pales in comparison to that held by 15 gal of gas. Really.
YES YES YES the Frenchman thats been around a while.

Did you know a fella named Pike made a steam car out od a 1963 ford Falcon back in 1969 iI saw that one, he used freon and boiled it with propane it was a closed system. it worked but then came all the bad news about freon.

There have been a lot atempts to make someting better but I feel Im getting close to a answer that WILL work.and be a true perpetuial

Thats the Chalange Im putting to the intire club .

Lets Not be negative But yes cautious and yes realistic I will listen to any constructive sugestions .and scrutanize every detail.

As I recal thats kinda how Steve Jobs got the home computer to work, that we all are injoyingand reaping the benifits of now.

A think tank was started that thew ideas at a problem Like this problem until it was solved.

This is for OUR childens, children. Wouldn'tthis be a real good legacy to leave behind. and it could make a real differance in OUR country.

Im not asking for anything but some serious thought. Is that to expencive for any of you.

Cory don't send any money on this But lets see what WE as a club can do with it to make it a realality that Does what is ment to do.

A thing is impossable until someone makes it possible.

The TV The cellphone the automobile. What did people say in 1908 about such things. Now look where we are .

Its time gentlemen
I have to go with John Eastman on this one..... there is no such thing as a perpetual motion machine, feel free to ask any GOOD mechanical engineer why. Or a quantum physicist, or for that matter somebody who slept at Holiday Inn Express last night.....

There is no such thing as a magnetic engine that will operate on no energy other than from magnets and generate even remotely the power it consumes. The power input, less the inefficencies of the design mechanics, will always determine the output, and its power "gain" will always be less than 1. You get out less than you put in. There have been litterally billons of dollars and millions of hours devoted to such devices. But, there have been any number of people who have convinced any number of other people to give them money because they have a machine that is prepetual motion, makes power on its own, and all they need is a bit more work and a few more dollars...and all the big energy companies are holding them back, or the government is going to swoop in and take it all away.

If you don't believe me regarding magnetic engines, perpetual motion, free lunches, and the like, ask Steve Jobs, or Bill Gates, or Al Gore, since they are all recognized for walking on water...
Marconi said that talking to a persom thew the air half way around the world was impossable. true at that time .. How many of you have cell phones?.

I was given a nother idea on how to over come the lifter drag problem . But I need to think on it for a while before I say yea or nea.

But Im going to say that its only a matter of time before someone finds a way to defy the laws and make it happen. When Pigs fly or not!

Gettin back to the hit and miss engine idea it can coast for up to 8 revolutions and then fire again .

It might be easyer to scale down the experiment to its simplest form for a test experement using that precipal as a bassic >I'll get back to you on this. while I tinker something together from scrap parts
So Much Negativity and you wonder why nothing good ever happens any more . Marconi said that talking through the air half way around the world was impossible. Uhum?

The hit an mis engine idea gave me a idea of a simple experiment i can tinker together. with scrap parts at no cost.

Here is a good question? How big would 2 opposing magnets need to be to equail the force at compression of a 10 hp engine. in one single stroke. So in ft pounds whats a a 10 hp internal combustion enginss I can ask someone else for the equivalant in a magnet at the magnet supply store. and match it to duplicate a basic hit and mis engine I have access to as a model
If new lubes are that good a one banger might be the best first step without much expence.

I can always rob its part into the radial as long they are planned in a way so the parts can swap out. The big 85.5 round magnets will be a outchy. Only 2 or 10 they will still cost a lot.
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