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Well......I had quite an adventure this afternoon. A nice summer afternoon in southwest Michigan. A place that hasn't seen rain in nearly a month.  Do I take the 4Runner or do I take the Tub to drive 55 miles to check out drdemanto's new ride in Caledonia, MI?  Naturally....I go for the Tub.  As I back out of the garage, I wonder to myself.....should I take the side curtains?  NO! It hasn't rained in a month. My grass crackles as I walk across the lawn.


About 40 miles into the drive the sky gets dark.  I pull off of the highway to check the radar on my phone. Things look a bit sketchy but I am so close!  I put the top up and question the wisdom of leaving the side curtains back home.  I almost put my tail between my legs and retreat for home...but I am so close!  Let's go! It does spit a few drops but no big deal.  I make it to Caledonia and YES drdemanto, the car is REAL! and Richard....who prefers to be called **** is a hell of a nice guy who happens to be dying of cancer. A very interesting man indeed. A former General Motors machinist who happens to be one hell of a craftsman.  He showed me  his collection of small scale trains which he has hand built.  One of them took nearly as long to build as his Street Rod (Nearly 4 years). He also has built many intricate wooden models of "tall ships".  Fantastic detail!


Like you said....he probably would have talked to me for hours if I didn't have to get home.  We chatted for over an hour and had I been a bit smarter, I would have stayed for another hour but I decided to get home as I was expected to be ready to be the "Grill Meister" for dinner back home.


About 20 miles into the return trip.....the sky is getting dark again.  This is not looking good.  Suddenly the skies open and I am fortunate enough to have a bridge overpass in sight. I pull under cover and enjoy the protection that the bridge affords me...even though every semi truck that goes under the bridge provides me with a nice cooling mist.  After about 45 minutes of refuge beneath the bridge, the rain seems to let up.  Thankfully, that was the end of the rain but it  still provide me the opportunity to find out why they call these cars we drive "Tubs". The roads are wet....spray from cars and trucks...drip drip drip


20 miles from home, I am getting low on gas.  I pull off of the highway to fill up.  The guy at the next pump jokes with me about seeing me under cover at the bridge and tells me tales of a similar nature when he had owned an MG Midget.  We have a couple of laughs and I am off again, however, to my dismay, the entrance ramp to the highway is completely torn up and the detour ends up adding an additional 20 miles to the trip home!  Fortunately, the roads were now dry and the ride was most enjoyable.  I even got a few "thumbs up" from passers by. 


So....DR. D.  Here is the proof.  Your car IS real!  **** is going to do his best to have it pretty for you but he is not a healthy man.  I suspect you will want to do a nice detailing of it but for what you are paying, I think you will be pleased.  It should provide you another ride to have fun with.  Congratulations!












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Can't thank you enough for making the trip, I have mixed feelings, on one hand, I am happy that the truck exists and that my first instincts about Richard were acurate, but on the other

I am bummed because of the experience you had to endure finding this out for me.....

been caught in the rain a few times, it's no fun....

I will think of a good way to make this up to you....

email me ....dr_demanto at


Thanks again

I was happy to make the trip. The rain did add a bit of excitement to the afternoon but it will provide me with good stories to tell. I truly enjoyed meeting DlCK (maybe the software won't catch that lower case L). He was a super nice guy....very interesting. Too bad he probably won't be around a whole lot longer. It sounded like selling his car was one of the final pieces of "getting his affairs in order" and he seemed pleased that it was going to a guy who loves cars. For what you are paying, I cannot imagine that you will ever lose money on the car. If you do tire of it, you'll probably make a bit of money. Enjoy.

Dear Dr Demento,


I don't know if it's PTSD or what. I feel like exploding at times and joining a cult somewhere in Idaho or South East Asia. Where has Beaver Cleaver gone, Eddie Haskell? The lone Ranger is dead, John Wayne is dead. All my heroes are gone, all we have left are some sorry politicians that forgot that they are supposed to serve the country and not their Party. I put my Military ribbons away since the Supreme Court says it is "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" that allows some a$$hole to say he's a hero and wears those ribbons. I wished he had said he was a cop and wore a badge but that's different. Now believe me, I am truly sorry for the shooting in that Colorado Theater and grieve with those families, but, lowering the flag to half staff in the whole United States by Presidential Order, when we have fathers, sons, mothers and daughters dying on foreign soil without a single flag lowered, so some whack job can buy four rifles, SWAT gear, 1000 rounds of ammunition, and enough explosives to flatten the building he lived in. Do you have a Hari Khrisna sect that I can join?


it is a sad state of affairs what is happening around the world, almost makes me hope

that the Mayans were correct with their calendar......but of course I'm to selfish to really

hope for that......need more seat time in my cars....& hopefully many more bottles of Oban..


Love you man, sure glad you are back, I'm tired of talking to The Dlckhead Gerdddddd....


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