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I am a newbie here. I have been collecting sports cars for 30 years. I have never owned a replica, but would love to own a speedster replica. I have done my homework and there seems to be a pretty wide price range out there. Intermeccanica, Vinage, Beck and on and on. I realize that it's opinions I am after. So please help me out here, what do you honestly think?
Many thanks,
John M
Chatham, MA
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I am a newbie here. I have been collecting sports cars for 30 years. I have never owned a replica, but would love to own a speedster replica. I have done my homework and there seems to be a pretty wide price range out there. Intermeccanica, Vinage, Beck and on and on. I realize that it's opinions I am after. So please help me out here, what do you honestly think?
Many thanks,
John M
Chatham, MA
It depends on what you are looking for out of a car. Do you want a very original look? Or do you like a wide outlaw bad a++ personalized car? Do you want to go to a car show and have people drool on your beauty, or just drive it once a month on a back road? Do you know how to fix little things that go wrong with these cars? There is a lot of information on this site that you can search for. If you want to drive your car in any weather, think about a IM Roadster or a Beck Cabriolet. I am of course partial to Intermeccanicas, as I own one. What do you see as your actual use for your car?

Thank you for the replies. I have read the reviews (on this great website) from owners of various replicas and they all seem pretty good. I am looking for a stock looking, high quality car that I can safely drive. I am sensing, from various sources, that IM makes a high quality car. They are definitely pricier than others, and used ones seem reasonable. While IM speedsters are almost twice the cost of Vintage speedsters, are they really worth it?
Thanks again,
John M
Are they worth it?

With every expenditure, there is what I call an "80%" rule.

Putting the issue of cost aside, there is always a "gold standard"- a product which is clearly superior to comparable merchandise. There is almost always also an "acceptable standard"- a product which is about 80% as nicely finished and optioned as the "gold standard". This 80% product sets the standard in people's mind for what the product "should" cost.

From 0-80%, the cost of the product is roughly linear in relation to the improvement in quality. From 80-90% the cost doubles. From 90-100% the cost doubles again, making the 100% product four times as expensive as the 80% product. It's like this for cameras, computers, and sports cars.

Is it worth it? It depends on how well you understand what you want. 10 years ago, if I knew how much I'd have spent on a 200 hp air cooled Type 1- I'd have institutionalized myself, and been watching the schedule for a frontal lobotomy.

I got into the hobby thinking, "Hey, it's a VW bug with a different body. How much could it cost, really?" The answer is: a lot, if you get deep into this madness enough to want the very best. It's a small industry, and there are no economies of scale- nice stuff is made by trained people who need to be paid. There are no assembly lines, only skilled artisans doing what they do.

Nicer stuff than what is readily available at the 80% level costs more (sometimes a lot more), because people with the skills to do something else have devoted their lives to building the perfect speedster.

Whether it is worth it or not is really up to you.
I think I am a 10%' least on this site...
Stan, I can't believe that rambling post of yours, I read it 3 times and gave up trying to understand what you were trying to say...

"Putting the issue of cost aside" I'd be driving an
Aston Martin......Lets be real, This whole issue is about cost.....
What Henry builds is not a speedster....
Heated seats, electric windows, water tight....give me a break....
John, I think Stan's right -- but so is Vince.
If you want a meter to scale to, IM is a comfortable, well-behaved performance car with lots of modern options.
If you're looking for an experience -- completely subjective and without a unit of measure -- the other, simpler end of the spectrum is probably best.
I bought in at simple, and made a couple minor modifications to suit myself. Try some on for size; dedicate a weekend to a large gathering of SOCers, and see which suits you best.
Cory said it best with his comments about "simpler". I own a number of cars (Ferraris, Porsches, Lotus, Corvettes, etc) and have had a Vintage for 4 years now. It is my favorite "just drive it for fun" car and the followup service (when rarely needed) from Kirk and Mary is the best. You can't go wrong with the price for a simple, reliable, FUN set of wheels.

Just jump right in and join the Madness. You will never regret it. Also, come to Morro Bay next April and see what a great group this is (well... except for Vince ..... and Gerd ... and ----)

Happy Trails,
Dusty and the Lovely Miss Sharon


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Thanks again. Hey Stan, I read your review of your IM speedster and it seems to reflect the general opinion of most people who are familiar with the replica market. I recently spoke to a long time 356 Porsche collector/restorer who ordered an IM roadster for a client. He took delivery of the roadster to "sort it out" before he delivered it to his client. He emailed me and told me that the IM roadster was one of the best built cars he had ever seen/driven and that the car did not need a thing. He absolutely loved it. This guy has over 50 years of 356 experience. That being said, I am going to take the advice of this esteemed group (I don't know Vince) and try to drive a few different makes before making a decision. Also, I imagine you can order a pretty basic speedster from IM, making it as close to "non-pussy-like" as possible.
Thanks again,
John M

Nobody even mentioned Beck!
I get in trouble when I do ;-)

Gerd said "BUT ALL THE BUILDERS HAVE GREAT CARS THAT ARE GEARED TOWARDS DIFFERENT PREFERENCES AND COSTS", and he's absolutely right. Most will agree that IM's are wonderful if you can afford the cost, but look around a bit as all of them have their good points. Someone raised the point about analyzing what you want to do - an excellent idea. Only you can judge how much you're willing to spend to do it.

If you're not in a big hurry, attend one of the major gatherings first. That way you can sample various manufacturer's wares. I know the next Carlisle is 11 months off, but coming there would also allow you to talk to the vendors, look at their cars, and drive some.

I see you're up in MA. You could also meet up with owners in your area for some barley-pop and Speedsters - not in that order, of course.

By the way - Vince is ok. He didn't get those horns for nothing, you know.
David, no offense, but please give me the location of a real 356 Speedster or Conv. D with an engine and decent body for less than $50,000. I keep a pretty close eye on 356Talk and Pelican classifieds, and the last time a decent Speedster sold for $50,000 was last century. IMHO a Vintage or older IM is your best value. But I am just too large too fit in a pan based car comfortably. I'm just saying.
Actually, the beauty of the cars we drive is the fact that you can own one for a fraction of the original's cost (in my case 10%, with an IM 33% on average)....AND, have an updated drive train or anything else you want, only being limited by the amount of money you want to spend, most of which you will recover when you sell it...sometimes more....(don't tell Blake & Jen)
Yes Gerd, I think I will have another Scotch, Thank you....Hey, where are those beer nuts...and Hooker's
The best speedster isn't the one in your garage. In California, it's the one that is registered and has a license plate. Check your vehicle Czar in Maine before you commit to a purchase.

Me thinks the most important consideration when buying a speedster is, can it be registered and oh ya - smog...

Vince, Gerd, can I join you guys? I have some blister nuts and PBR...

Mike is right about the registering thing. I would suggest buying a local car that is already registered for now. Don't worry about engine size, color or anything else. Don't spend a lot of money on it, because you will want to upgrade things later anyway. Drive the thing for awhile and see how you like the drive, the fixin', how it drives in your area, etc., etc., etc. Once you have all this first hand experience, you will know exactly what you want and you may even opt out of this madness. You may upgrade things on this car or sell it and start over. In any case, you will be more savy. Stan is absolutely right with what he said, even if Vince doesn't get it. I am mostly talking about how much money you put into your project because you love it. This is very true, especially if you are any kind of a wrench. When we talk about the "madness", this is one element of the whole. I hope I am making sense with what I am saying. I have done nearly what I have described to you. My Beck is my second speedster and I am just now finishing it up. Wait, that is not true. I don't think we are ever really done with these cars. If you read through some of these posts, you will find that nearly everyone is upgrading this or that. Good luck and mostly, have fun!
Polks Manual is the national publication that all states MV departments must adhere to for basic MV law i.e. titling and registration. All states must also have a program in place to title salvage, special construction etc. vehicles. Check with your states MV department to get clarification on titling and registering a potential speedster purchase.....My rule of thumb is if you get a person that is not willing to be of help, hang up and call back to speak with another individual. ~Alan
John.... I live in Eastham, 2 towns over,15 miles. I've driven my Speedster to Chatham many times. I got in on the low end with my VS ,which was built in '93. It had some things that needed to be fixed , and still has a few more to fix. If you want to see it or get a ride sometime send an e-mail to: I will show you the good and bad of my car, and at least you will have a reference point at the lower end of the scale. We just came back from Carlisle and you can really get hooked on these things. The people are great too. If you e-mail do it before Wed.6/24...we will be off the radar for a few days after that.


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