Hey you guys.....COVER this.....
I don't get the big deal over car covers...Unless your car is absolutely clean, it will mark up the glass and scratch the paint.
I use a paraschute cover on trips overnight basically to disquise the fact it is a "collector" car, which might draw attention when I'm not around....plus it fits in a small lunch pail...
Mine is also covered in the garage with disgarded comforters that my wife no longer uses, and thats for protection against failing objects and the like.....
and this bullshit about waterproof covers, if your on the road where do you put a wet cover when your ready to leave the area.....
not to mention the room they take up when not being used.....
I have at least 3 covers, none that I bought, they came with the cars I bought, I have thrown at least that many away recently, cause they got all dirty or ripped or worse....I use a cover from one of the cars to cover my Harley, which also came with it's own cover when I bought it...