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(Going on the presumption that you're not just rubbing salt into the wounds of us Weber guys...)

I'm afraid you're not giving us much to go on, which is probably why you haven't gotten a response.
Are you seeing anything to give you an indication there's a problem? Hard starting? backfiring? sputtering?

The fact that you've gotten 400mi is a pretty good indication that things must be in pretty decent shape. It takes me only about 400 yards to know if there's a carb problem (Weber guy, though). When I had Solexes, starting with the engine hot was always a biggie, & I had to make sure the choke was coming completely off. Didn't take much else other than occasionally adjusting the mixture.

Wolfgang said: "You could pull plugs and by color tell if too lean or too rich."

Yeah right maybe if your running leaded gas......LOL

Not so much any more. Ah for the days of a chocolate to tan color to look for......;-)


I third the thought that if you are getting good mileage, easy starting, no popping then other than a trip to the local chassis dyno to improve on things I would just have fun!

Have an Old Speckheld Hen for me!

I found several good setup articles, when I was installing my dual 34mm Solex/Brosal kit. Maybe those would be helpful for you too. Mine are running pretty smoothly,,, but I am sure they could be better tuned still. It will just take a logical approach, and time for trial and testing. Here are some of the links:

I am sure there are other good articles out there too.
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