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I have them in my webers and believe in them. Not a difficult job to install them either.

All it takes is a tiny little dirt clod to just partially plug up an Idle jet and create a major decline in the driveability of your car. With out them there is more likelihood of doing this than if they are installed. A very likely time to have this happen is when you remove your air cleaners for service. All it takes os one speck of dirt to fall into that area of the airhorn and work it's way down into one of the two idle jets. The Jet Doctors eliminate that chance nearly 100%. Of course there are other ways to plug those jets up but at least this one has been pretty much removed..........Bruce


Easy to install and have not had a clogged idle jet since I installed two summers ago.  ( knock on wood).  I run The Webber knock offs, dual HPMX 40s.  Pat D., From CB recommended them.. a nice purchase.... 

They run several sales throughout the fall/winter/spring.  Always a good time to buy these non-time-critical items which can be installed between lunch and a mid afternoon nap any given weekend.

i did have to adjust the carbs ever so slightly after the install, as it appears I was getting a bit more unrestricted air.  The instructions are easy to follo, and do warn of this potential idle adjustment after the Jet Dr'a are installed.

check out the install instructions on the CB web site... They are available under the Jet Dr part listing.


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