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i just received an e-mail from Carl Berry's son informing me of Carl''s passing yesterday. I am waiting to hear from him if he will allow me to share his personal info.
As many of you know, Carl and I became close friends through the SOC and last saw him back in September at his home.
I'm really broken hearted by this news and will post it on the mother site shortly.

Crash Test Dummy Guy

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So sorry to hear of his passing, a true gentleman , quiet and unassuming. He enjoyed telling me stories about his time in the Marines. We shared some heroes Chesty Puller, Victor Krulac, and many other famous Marines. 

He always loved Maggie's JPS Coupe, and I was privileged  to have him drive it a few years ago at Carlisle.

Blue skies, tailwinds, and calm waters my friend.

Chuck & Maggie Martin

Oh no !  I've been emailing him now and then until a few weeks ago, he said he was having issues but was on the mend, said his VS ? speedster was disassembled and had just purchased another one in the Carolina's I believe.                                                         What a great guy Carl was, I recall the Saturday morning of Pumpkin runs he was traveling south and stopped by our house before 7AM just to drop off a bottle of wine. He was so appreciative the morning my friend Ross and I fixed his fuel pump problem at the Hotel a few years back. A couple of years ago Carl won a raffle prize that was dear to Connie, a painting Heidi Gallo had done, be as it may some weeks later it arrived via UPS at our door with the following note.... " Dear Connie, I hung the painting on my wall at home and a week later it fell off the wall landing undamaged on the floor, I knew right then it wanted to become yours ...enjoy !"

  Connie and I are so saddened by this news  .........                      

 ~  Mr. Carl Berry a gentlemen and a gentle man  ~

Last edited by Alan Merklin

I, too, have been regularly chatting with Carl on the phone and the off and on email.  Most recently, we were plotting the installation of the convertible top on his newly purchased CMC.  He would invariably call me when I was out on my bike and when the huffing and puffing gave me away he would try to end the call but I kept him talking.  Always the gentleman and always helpful to others, Carl was the Speedstah guy's Speedstah guy.  He had some health issues of late, but has been dealing with them and moving on with a renewed optimism for 2017 with the new CMC he had just bought and was excited about getting out and driving it this coming season.

Damn.  I really liked Carl.  I'll miss his wit, his posts and, especially, his friendship.  May he have fair weather, winding roads and sense that he touched many lives on the SOC.

If I could I'd like to offer a short prayer to you and your family:

Father, we ask You to send Your peace to those persons who are mourning. Continue to surround them with family, friends and loved ones who will offer words of comfort. Give them sweet and restful sleep. Father, remove the spirit of heaviness, and give them garments of praise. In due time, bless their lives to overflow with laughter and joy again. As they take refuge in You, please help them to put their trust in You. Holy Spirit, we ask that You settle the hearts and minds of those who are feeling any guilt, resentment, bitterness, or anger. Help them not to look back but to press forward.

R.I.P. Carl Berry

thank you all for your emails and thoughts.  Some have asked for more information.  He just turned 78.  Despite having 2 heart attacks in his 40's, he was able to get that under control but continued to have more issues lately.  He was more active in his 70s than he was in his 40s and 50s.  We suspect the heart was the main factor though.  He was home at the time and we believe he died suddenly.  A quick funny story - in the early to mid 80s before cholesterol was generally known to the public as causing heart issues, my father was in his cardiologist's office.  They were both smoking and his cardiologist told him his cholesterol was 384 and he should probably look at getting that down.  True story.


Thanks for checking in.  As you can see, Carl was very liked amongst his Speedster friends.  I'm the one who convinced him to make his first drive to Carlisle in his VS when he wasn't all that sure it would make it.  It didn't, suffering a fuel pump failure enroute.  He got it towed to the hotel (I told him I could bring it back to his house for him on my trailer) and the next morning we head out to the hotel parking lot and there is a swarm of people all around the back of his car and a couple of us fixed it, right then and there.  He was overwhelmed that people would do that for him, but he would have done whatever he could have for US, too.

Please let us know of wake/funeral arrangements.  A small bunch of us are in the greater New England area (I'm near Worcester, MA) and would like to come, I'm sure.


The Speedster guy in mourning.....

I haven't been able to do this 'till now-

This little thing we've got here goes way beyond "just an owner's group". A lot of us know each other by first (and not just screen) names, and between thread drifts, jokes, back and forth banter (look up the conversation where Jim Kelly gave me my avatar- search "yoda") and conversations during private messages there are a lot of guys here I would truly like to meet. I wish we all lived closer so we could hang out. Carl (as well as Rich) were among the very first, and that connection has remained over the years with both of them. Carl was a gold mine of information on 356 body, trim, interior details and year to year changes, taking a later interest and always asking for explanations of engine and transaxle technical stuff. I learned to "strip them down" a little bit so the point was easier to see and not lost in all the details. We always seemed to have a conversation going about something, he was always interested in what was happening with my kids, asking about how this or that turned out (from the previous conversation). He knew the names of our 2 cats, and whenever he saw something in the newspaper concerning cat behavior (if you know cats, you'll know that 2 cats living in the same house can have challenges) he would clip it out and mail it to me. I knew he talked with other members regularly, looking for information and advice, and I hope some of you got to know him as well as I feel I did.

I'm toying with coming to Carlisle (we'll see what the finances are like in a few weeks, as a plane ride to that end of the continent is a looonng way from Vancouver- if it does actually happen, anybody want to split a room?) and unfortunately meeting Carl is a bust.

@Jonathan Berry- Thank you for posting here. I considered your dad (and I still do you, Rich) my "big brother, and I hope it's obvious he was well liked. Is Daisy ok?

We lost a good one, guys. This is hard. 

Au revoir, mon ami. If I make it, we will raise a glass to you in Carlisle

I read the news the other day and I was very shocked. I thought there must be two SOC members named Carl Berry. I had to double check what I had read against the messages I have from him.

The whole 'Here today. Gone tomorrow." aspect didn't sink in for a day or so.  How can this be the same guy who had been so supportive of my speedster journey? He was one of the first to reach out when I grew frustrated with the 5 speed debacle. I really appreciate his support and advice along the way.

I will miss my friend Carl. We will all miss his experience and stories here on the SOC.

May he rest in peace. 

Last edited by TRP

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