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Carlisle was my official physical introduction to Speedsterdom. Sat in and rode in almost every makers vehicle, helped with Lane's build (all right I held some hardware when they were installing the tail lights), and drooled the entire time. Three weeks later the "RED TUB" came into my life.

If anyone wants to learn about these cars, the Carlisle show is the place to go.

Would have tried to be there (haven't taken or scheduled a long trip yet this year), but wedding plans for my youngest have taken over the household. Maybe next year....?

By the way, she and her husband will be using the speedster for transportation. We'll hopefully get some wonderful parting shots when leaving the chapel and reception!
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Carlisle was my official physical introduction to Speedsterdom. Sat in and rode in almost every makers vehicle, helped with Lane's build (all right I held some hardware when they were installing the tail lights), and drooled the entire time. Three weeks later the "RED TUB" came into my life.

If anyone wants to learn about these cars, the Carlisle show is the place to go.

Would have tried to be there (haven't taken or scheduled a long trip yet this year), but wedding plans for my youngest have taken over the household. Maybe next year....?

By the way, she and her husband will be using the speedster for transportation. We'll hopefully get some wonderful parting shots when leaving the chapel and reception!


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Gordon, Super pics! Hope Elizabeth's come out as well.

Jen, you are not alone about the hair.... My daughter's friend is doing her hair four times - before the rehearsal, before we leave for the chapel, after getting to the chapel, and after arriving at the reception.

Chris, I'll defer comment - but you are a very brave man!
Ok - first picture is proof the car can get chicks. :)

The second and third was the event that made the wedding truly "our" day - all of the groomsmen and the groom trying to diagnose what turned out to be a valvetrain that basically said, "peace out, I got you through the pictures."

One of my groomsmen stayed with the car, made sure the flatbed operator took critical care of Pearl, and engineered some transition ramps out of driftwood lying around so as not to bottom her out while being towed up on the flatbed.

Either way, it was definitely worth it for the pictures we got!!


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  • bridesmaids_speedster
  • usher_roadside_repair
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NO, Pearl gave everything she had to make that all a success.

She was definately sick going in to the weekend and Chris (being the car guy that he is) was trying to help make her better (in spite of his Dad telling him to "just nail it out of a few stop signs and it'll clear the crud out of the jets") but she was heading towards a terminal failure which we didn't(or didn't want to) see.

She gallantly lasted all through the wedding and all of the Photo session and then quietly stopped on the way out of the photo session, after all of the pictures had been taken. One of Chris' groomsmen (the Audi/Helicopter guy) stayed with her when the Car Hauler came for her and made DAMN SURE that she was treated well on her ride to the Best Man's heated garage. I am grateful for that.

Chris came to us at the hotel before the reception with the bad news but, hey......She's only a machine and machines can be fixed and the important thing that night was a happy wedding, right? And it WAS a happy wedding and, a few years later we're about to be blessed with a happy grandson, any minute now!

On the funny side, I went down to the Best Man's house the next day to trailer her home and went through a huge downpour - the same as EVERY OTHER TIME I've trailered her. What is it with Pearl, her trailer (the oyster shell) and rain??

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