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The Carlisle event posting is awfully long - and as usual rambles a bit so thought I'd start a new one. Time is really running out on ordering stuff and even setting events up.


I like Danny P's idea of a STEIN - if no one has new art work could we use the current or past engine badge art work with Carlisle 2009 on it (IS IT COPYRIGHTED OR SOMEONE OWN IT)? Cool if we could find someone with talent to paint owner's name on them -- or mabe there are tranferable decals.

Nice polo shirt with embroidered logo would be nice too. Land's end or Beans often have clearance shirts - they will put some lettering on them - Maybe "Carlisle '09" - and then we could locally have embroidered (Maybe ZIGGY has some contacts?) I agree limit sizes to L/XL (maybe most)/XXL (for sleeping shirts, of course)

SO - we'd need to decide and solitict art work -- and order stuff. I have no contact but willing to help.

1957 CMC Classic Speedster

    in Ft Walton Beach, FL

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The Carlisle event posting is awfully long - and as usual rambles a bit so thought I'd start a new one. Time is really running out on ordering stuff and even setting events up.


I like Danny P's idea of a STEIN - if no one has new art work could we use the current or past engine badge art work with Carlisle 2009 on it (IS IT COPYRIGHTED OR SOMEONE OWN IT)? Cool if we could find someone with talent to paint owner's name on them -- or mabe there are tranferable decals.

Nice polo shirt with embroidered logo would be nice too. Land's end or Beans often have clearance shirts - they will put some lettering on them - Maybe "Carlisle '09" - and then we could locally have embroidered (Maybe ZIGGY has some contacts?) I agree limit sizes to L/XL (maybe most)/XXL (for sleeping shirts, of course)

SO - we'd need to decide and solitict art work -- and order stuff. I have no contact but willing to help.

I'm working on the art work. I've got a direction to run with, but if anyone has any ideas, let me know. I'll post it when I have a draft. Probably in about a week.

Danny recommended Cafe Press ... which is fine for me. I've ordered stuff from them, but never sent stuff to them. I don't know how well they do embroidered shirts, but if they're not up to the task, I have a local woman who does embroidery (and screen-printing t-shirts too). I assume Cafe Press does the steins.
I'm sure the COPYRIGHT Police would be all over us -

Probably confiscate all Sppedies with "IM"-proper badging!

Could always use another embroidered DENIM shirt too!
Thanks, T. I will take this as an opportunity to publicly offer to take care of this. Once the artwork is done and approved, we can take a headcount of who wants what. As long as this is OK with the man, Gordon. This is his baby, but I figure it may be one less thing for his attention. What say you, Gordon?

Anyway, I was thinking steins and/or T or golf shirts. I am leaning toward golf shirts and steins. If the artwork says speedsters meet spyders, what can P do? If I bulk order everything, it won't even be available on the site and that should cover that. Take a rough count, order some extras, and all profit goes back into this event, to hopefully alleviate any out-of-pocket expenses for the organizer.

I did like the nametags, even though most of us know each other now. It looks like a lot more other halves will be in attendance this year and it may help them.

On another note, batch #1 is brewed and in the secondary fermenter as of today. Batch #2 to follow soon. #1 is a nut brown ale, same as last year, Newcastle-like. #2 will be a schwarzbeir, or black beer, kind of an experiment, never made it before.

It is definite that I'll be flat-towing again this year, due to beer, scales, and possibly goodies/mementos!

Yessss! We senile old people need nametags! Even if it's the simple "Hello Tags" with a Sharpie on the side. I keep my 04 & 05 tags in my console, so I don't lose them. The only problem there is, I forget to get'em out when needed. DOH! See what I mean?
Bruce S. had a nice nametag set in prior years, printed with the show logo. Maybe a do-over of those?
If it's shirts, I vote Golf shirts. I have waaaay too many t-shirts now.

Danno: May the SCWARTZ be with YOU!

Name tags or badges really make a big difference. I started using them in Morro Bay last year and they were a big favorite. My illustrator created them and I had them made locally. We left room for a name and, as they were passed out, the Lovely Miss Sharon put names on them. Using them (1) helped us all remember names, (2) made us identifiable as a group and showed townsfolk that we supported them, and (3) made a nice keepsake of a great weekend. I have this year's already made and they look exactly like the illustration below. By the way, they are about 2" in diameter and pin on so they are durable and can be worn in a visible location on shirts or jackets. Regardless of what you make (hats/shirts/etc) I highly recommend the badges.

Happy Trails,
Dusty and LMS
NAME tags are great! On cheap, we could get the clear plastic name tag sleevex - create a downloadable SOC background that attendees could add their name to and print at home. Then cut and bring to event.

$50 for 100. Some of you may have these in your company supply room - from last big event. Anyone have extra 100 or so?

I have seen round plasic buttons that you can add paper graphics with name to and snap a clear plastic cover on it. I couldn't find on net though.

These are cool for $1 each - could do SOC image with space for name.

Cruises: Cruise-meister Bill Drayer has this covered again this year, not only for the evening cruises to dinner, but to the Antique Car museum and back on Friday. These have been a perennial favorite, and I can't argue with success.

Dinners: This is covered by both Bill Drayer (Thursday evening and Friday lunch) and Alan Merklin (Friday and Saturday evening). We all expect to have the usual great time at each meal. Breakfasts are "pot luck", but just follow the crowd of regulars. Believe me....we all eat well.

Remember, we'll all be traveling to the Antique Auto Collector's Association museum in Hershey, PA, on Friday for a guided tour of their terrific facility. This is a "Don't Miss It" side-event!

and Lastly, the Raffle: I would LOVE to be able to delegate this entirely to someone else this year. It would involve beating the bushes amongst Speedster/Spyder owners for raffle items, either from their own generosity or from companies they can solicit items from. I'll continue to solicit stuff from my own contacts, but I won't have much time to devote to this. The raffle is the ONLY way that we come up with money to support this event, to cover all of the sundry things needed; deposits for things, up-front costs for mementos, awards, all sorts of things. Most of the time we break even. I consider that a success.

So that's where we stand. Any volunteers for the open stuff? Contact me via email and we'll chat.

Hello, all!

I've been following this off and on over the past week, as we had traveled to Massachusetts for my father's 90'th birthday (good genes on both sides of the family) and I've only been able to get on here sporadically, so here's what I think:

First off, I will not have as much time to devote directly to these efforts this year as in past years due to some pressing personal commitments, so I'll be looking to delegate more. Fortunately, several people have already stepped up and we're well covered:

Carlisle Mementos: I'm all for them. Teresa has volunteered to run with this and I'm more than willing to delegate. Sounds like Danny P. can manage the production (I would, personally, avoid Cafe Press and go for something local that you've used before or have familiarity with in order to maintain direct control over the results).

I can not support anything which has the word "PORSCHE" or any trademarked imagery or artwork involved, for obvious lawsuit reasons. THAT is why I've always come up with original artwork or imagery in the past (any of which is still available if you want it). The words "Speedster" or "Spyder" are OK, as those have both been used by multiple companies in the past.

Mike Cochrane is the creator and owner of the artwork for all of the "Speedsters Meet Spyders" imagery we've used as long as I have been organizing our event, and he gratiously allows us to use it for our purposes. That artwork is trademarked via, and I have the badge artwork, complete with Pantone color breakdown, and can make it available to Teresa via email. It is too late for grill badges for this year, but no one ever mentioned that they were interested, either.

My only suggestion on clothing is that you get people to commit early and request quantity and size(s) so you don't get stuck with tens of the wrong size you can't sell (ask me how I know this. Would you like some past meet "shop rags"?)

Awards: Remember, we only bestow two awards: Longest distance driven or trailered, and we made a rule a few years back that you can't win the same award two years running (to give others a chance). Cory Drake has volunteered to create the awards this year as he did last, and I will manage their production locally in Beaufort.

Name Badges: Believe it or not, I've had these available each year I've organized our get-together, but done a lousy job of passing them out. I can create them for this year, based on whatever artwork Teresa comes up with for the mementos or I can base them on last year's artwork.

I would like a volunteer to distribute them at the meet/hotel.

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