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Ok, here is my Photobucket album. I've included only Speedsters and related cars, but can post all of my non-Speedster pics if folks are interested. Not sure why they're out of order. No doubt it's due to operator headspace. Best viewed as a slideshow.

My camera battery died Saturday (stupid me), so I missed some prime pictures. I'm sure others have it covered, tho'.
What great pix.. looks like you had one heck of a time out there.... Again, I think GOD loves Speedies cause it cleared up for you on Saturday too! Hoopty looks awesome as usual... and Lane I saw the photo bucket pix too, very nice as well. OK here comes the second cry out for a NATIONAL SOC event... mid America.. Can this be done? My Brutha Jimbo thinks it can, and if he says so then it's can be.. All we need is a location, time place to stay and a field to show-off, maybe even a drap-strip.. LOL... and of course some major time off, for those young guns that STILL work! LOL...

Speedster "D" Pack'em and Rack'em
I have almost 2 gigs worth of pictures from this weekend, because I was playing with my new digital SLR toy. I'll post a gallery up tonight - with all of the "excitement" on the way home Sunday into Monday, I've been playing catchup, and haven't had a chance to pull them off the laptop.

There are some GREAT cruise shots, along with a bunch of great candid photos. Stay tuned!

Don't know if many of you noticed in the pictures up above, but we set up an impromptu service center over on one side of the show field (behind a row of tow vehicles) and Chris and I brought the trailer over to serve as a sort-of lift (great for working on stuff that doesn't need to get a wheel off of the ground and gives you a little clearance to get at what's up under there).

I was watching things at the tent, but wandered over a few times during Saturday morning; the first time we diagnosed a few bad fuses in a new car (they were poorly made glass cartridge fuses and didn't have a good connection between the end caps and the fuse link) and Carey was working on a leaking oil cooler fitting. Next time I got over there, Carey had a portable wheel alignment gizmo (a "Magic String" tool - VERY trick!) set up on Tom DeWalt's car and was just finishing a front end alignment. Just before I got there, Bill Drayer and Chris Nichols diagnosed some dry front torsion tube bearings on Steve Perry's CMC (no grease fittings, either) and Lane was in line to have his squeaking rear brake looked at.

All in all, half a dozen cars were looked at in just over an hour, and everyone went away happy.

Maybe that's where that little Messerschmitt got the "turbo" for that second hill-climbing run!!
TC et al:

A dry front end typically gets really stiff, and often rattles as if you've got a loose shock mount. In fact, during a drive with Steve, that's what I thought it was (a loose shock mount on one side) til our crack service team looked closely at it and discovered that all the front end grease fittings were missing. I told him to pull the trailing arms off and look at the needle bearings to see if they're toast. If they are, then discard the needle bearings and put in some Neoprene sleeves, BUT drill through the sleeves for grease fittings and shoot'em with 10 - 15 grease gun shots to lube'em up. If you buy the kind of Neoprene sleeves that you can't use grease fittings with, then you may be stuck pulling the trailing arms off and packing them with grease every other year or so. Not a big deal, just a minor PITA.

If the needle bearings look OK, just dry, then soak them in Kerosene overnight to get the crud out of them, then pack them with grease like a wheel bearing and reassemble, then put in the grease fittings on the torsion tubes and squirt 10 - 15 shots from a grease gun into each fitting and you're good for the rest of the season.

Wait a minute! You should know this stuff already!!!!!

Don't you mean a "coma" or were you just slouched over napping in the shape of a "comma?" Inquiring minds want to know. BTW, both Lane and I had our tops up for the entire trip. The temperatures varied from jackets on chilly to hot enough for air, but frankly, I didn't want the sun and wind to do a number on me.
sun and wind burn free
Being slouched in a 'comma' position because of a heat induced 'coma' would create a pain similar to having an 'exclamation point' shoved up your 'asterick' clear up to your 'semi-colon'! This similar situation in females may puncture their 'hyphen' which may endanger their child-bearing and lessen the possibility of becoming 'parenthesis'.

I hate when that happens, 'period'!
Cory, this one's for you. Had a ball just watching you grin all weekend. Fireman's joke also for you.
A FIREMAN came home from work one day and
Told his wife, "You know, we have a wonderful
System at the fire station:

BELL 1 rings and we all put on our jackets,
BELL 2 rings and we all slide down the pole,
BELL 3 rings and we're on the fire truck ready to go.

"From now on when I say BELL 1, I want you to strip naked.
When say BELL 2, I want you to jump in bed.
And when I say BELL 3, we are going to make love all night."

The next night he came home from work and yelled,
"BELL 1!" The wife promptly took all her clothes off.
When he yelled "BELL 2!", the wife jumped into bed.
When he yelled "BELL 3!", they began making love.

After a few minutes the wife yelled "BELL 4!"

"What the hell is BELL 4?" asked the husband?

"ROLL OUT MORE HOSE," she replied,


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  • Cory
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