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Hey, Spyder Woman -- you'd be correct in most folks' advocation for my avocation, but my occupation is primarily that of "dumb fireman."
Fire fighters are usually people who aren't hip to the history and traditions of the fire service.
Someone said (probably somebody a lot smarter than I am) that "A fireman is an uneducated nimrod who shovels coal into a boiler." Same cat, probably on a rant, said something like "Fire fighters are educated, structurally savvy people who put out fires."
What a dummy. This job was primarily filled in the early days by Irish guys. Not to start a flame war, but how "smart" do you have to be to die of a potato blight on an island surrounded by fish?
Fireman suits me just fine.
I agree on the photo -- I really like it. E-mail is fine for the high-res; cory DOT drake AT fmmc DOT army DOT mil ...
Finally got a chance to sort through and post up my collection of pictures. Some of them come from Lane, and some from Cory. So, there might be a few in there some of you have seen before.

In any case, enjoy!

I have super high-resolution versions of any of these, so please let me know (nichols at theta dot net) if you want the original image of anything.
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