Are you driving Jim?
I WISH...but I need to be back in time for the SOC at Pismo! A drive in the Speedster to join my knucklehead SOC buddies at Carlisle is on my bucket list!

I'm in, room is booked and registered for the show. See you all in May.
You know........I just noticed that Lenny's shirt looks like my back yard at night.
Danny's shirt looks like my yard during the day.
Now, if I could just find a sunset shirt........
Danny's shirt looks like my yard during the day.
Now, if I could just find a sunset shirt........
Jim, if you ever make the drive you can camp at mi casa for a break. Maybe a couple of days to chill. Remember if we end up at a place called Black Jacks we were just at the club playing cards.
Marty - Roger That! The Black Jack's scheme is noted on our Man Card. 8-)
Our trip's locked in. Ottawa to Daytona, West to St. Pete's, around the Gulf to New Awleeeens, up to Hot Springs to hook up with Jack Crosby then East picking up more SOC members along the way. Can't wait so we'll do a short trip to Wells, Maine in April to make sure everything works.
OK, lets say in a moment of weakness (of which I have had a few recently) I decided to come see you "East Coast" clowns at Carlisle
in 2012, what Airport would I fly into from California.....
in 2012, what Airport would I fly into from California.....
Harrisburg International (KMDT)
Vince---I am happy to see you over your "hurdle" and are planning to join us at Carlisle. I will see to it that you have a wee dram as soon as I see you!
Vince buddy, so glad you are gonna be here to share cold grog.
.....there shall be beers:~)
Check with Troy he is flying into H'burg, I believe on Thursday evening.
Alt's. are BWI in Maryland a 2-3/4 ride each way.
Pittsburg 2 hrs and Allentown is about 1-1/2.
.....there shall be beers:~)
Check with Troy he is flying into H'burg, I believe on Thursday evening.
Alt's. are BWI in Maryland a 2-3/4 ride each way.
Pittsburg 2 hrs and Allentown is about 1-1/2.
Jimbo, when you went to Carlisle, which route did you take....
You could fly into BWI and catch a ride with Cory, Kelly, or somebody from the DC area like MUSBJIM does. Once we all meet up in Hagerstown, I could carry someone to Carlisle.
Last couple of times I flew into BWI on Wednesday and hooked up with Kelly and Cory for the caravan to Carlisle.
Check the airlines, fares, etc. You will likely find that using BWI will get you a pretty good fare. As MUSB says, he has done it this way, and it works. There are free rooming options available to you, plus opportunities to ride up from BWI area as right-seater. I guess the ride to Carlisle is less that three hrs, although we usually stop along the way. AS for crashing on day of arrival, Cory's place, or mine will lbe afvailable, each but a few minutes from BWI. Come in on Wed, ride up ~ 1 hr to rendezvous w/ the Southern Contingent on Thursday, have lunch w/ them and roll on in to Carlise in the early PM Thurs. Typically return home Sunday, and then make flights out on Monday. Least ways, that is how Jim has done it a few times.
AS a famous Speedster owner once said: easy-peasy.
Check the airlines, fares, etc. You will likely find that using BWI will get you a pretty good fare. As MUSB says, he has done it this way, and it works. There are free rooming options available to you, plus opportunities to ride up from BWI area as right-seater. I guess the ride to Carlisle is less that three hrs, although we usually stop along the way. AS for crashing on day of arrival, Cory's place, or mine will lbe afvailable, each but a few minutes from BWI. Come in on Wed, ride up ~ 1 hr to rendezvous w/ the Southern Contingent on Thursday, have lunch w/ them and roll on in to Carlise in the early PM Thurs. Typically return home Sunday, and then make flights out on Monday. Least ways, that is how Jim has done it a few times.
AS a famous Speedster owner once said: easy-peasy.
SO far I'm aware of the following making hotel reservations, anyone else?:
Abraham, Joel
Anderson, Lane
Campbell, Stacey
Clark, Darcie
Crosby, Jack
Ericson Jr., Edward
Frazer, Kelly
Gallo, Al
Hallstrand, John
Holden, Paul
Ignacio, Jim
McKelvey, Michael
Merklin, Alan
Mossberg, Paul
Owings, Clint
Sloan, Troy
Stroud, David
Stumpp, Bruce
Venuti, Peter
Abraham, Joel
Anderson, Lane
Campbell, Stacey
Clark, Darcie
Crosby, Jack
Ericson Jr., Edward
Frazer, Kelly
Gallo, Al
Hallstrand, John
Holden, Paul
Ignacio, Jim
McKelvey, Michael
Merklin, Alan
Mossberg, Paul
Owings, Clint
Sloan, Troy
Stroud, David
Stumpp, Bruce
Venuti, Peter
My plan at this time is to fly into Philly and drive to Carlisle..
I will be heading East sunday morning to visit relatives in New York,
does that sound reasonable?
I will be heading East sunday morning to visit relatives in New York,
does that sound reasonable?
Sounds good to me. Camden and Cherry Hill are just across the river, more or less, and the rest of Jersey is another few minutes, but I bet Paul Mossberg will be watching at the state line to check you as you come into Jersey..........
Can't be too careful with you Left Coasters.
Can't be too careful with you Left Coasters.
Former Member
I'll be watching the New York border.....with a beer in hand for you Californicators! You'se want an escort into New York? See you in May!
my wife found out the the road to Carlisle from Philly goes right thru omish country, so she's all in....she likes antiques and buggy rides...
OK, I'm guessing Philly would work.
Omish? More likely Amish. She likes to shop?? You could drop her in Reading on the way in, and pick her up again on Sunday. More outlet stores there than you can count.
Omish? More likely Amish. She likes to shop?? You could drop her in Reading on the way in, and pick her up again on Sunday. More outlet stores there than you can count.
O' mish? .......That's the Irish Amish.
Or on second thought "O'mish" could very well be Vince after a few Obans summoning the waitress!
Or on second thought "O'mish" could very well be Vince after a few Obans summoning the waitress!
Make sure you at least visit Lancaster, Bird in Hand and Intercourse. Great antiques, great restaurants and the people are wonderful.
Depending on where you end up in New Jersey (North or South), you might consider I-78 West to I-81 South. If you're in the South, then Philly to I-76 to I-81 North for two exits.
Make sure you at least visit Lancaster, Bird in Hand and Intercourse. Great antiques, great restaurants and the people are wonderful.
Depending on where you end up in New Jersey (North or South), you might consider I-78 West to I-81 South. If you're in the South, then Philly to I-76 to I-81 North for two exits.
I can't imagine Vince not visiting Intercourse, especially since he will be all healed up.
My wife is putting an iterary for the week we will be in the east...
B&B in Lancaster is in my future....
B&B in Lancaster is in my future....
We got booked in at the reduced rate even though the original bloc of rooms had been sold out..... This thing just keeps getting bigger and bigger..... The staff didn't even work up a sweat.
Alan only had 20 rooms in the block for Thursday but 40 for Friday and Saturday so the group coming in Thursday must be getting larger. I'll ask him to bump it up. Thanks for the heads-up.
" Karumba !" ...I'll take care of this tomorrow...
Reservation made! See ya Thursday the 17th.!! Yow-za,yow-za,yow-za!!!
I'm in. Better late than never! I'll be there Friday afternoon. Tom
Me too, Friday.
The Thursday night block of rooms is full! Alan is working on increasing the number of rooms in the block but that should be a motivator for anyone who has not made their reservations yet - if you're coming to Carlisle then get your hotel reservations in as soon as possible.
Hotels fill up during the Carlisle weekends and now that the Hotel Carlisle has gone steadily downhill others will be looking for alternative lodging too. John Estes just called for a Thursday night room and was quoted $159 rate because the block was full.
The sooner everyone makes their reservations, the sooner we'll know if we need to increase the blocks but we're limited by the availability of rooms and can't guarantee if you wait. So don't delay and make your reservations ASAP. And don't forget to give me a heads up on your plans so we can plan accordingly and provide enough seats for the cruises and dinners.
Hotels fill up during the Carlisle weekends and now that the Hotel Carlisle has gone steadily downhill others will be looking for alternative lodging too. John Estes just called for a Thursday night room and was quoted $159 rate because the block was full.
The sooner everyone makes their reservations, the sooner we'll know if we need to increase the blocks but we're limited by the availability of rooms and can't guarantee if you wait. So don't delay and make your reservations ASAP. And don't forget to give me a heads up on your plans so we can plan accordingly and provide enough seats for the cruises and dinners.
I was told that there be Carlisle participants that will also be at the Hotel outside of our Speedster group, DO Not Wait to reserve your room(s)
Should we wait to try again? I got this:
Sorry, there are no rooms available at this hotel for the dates you requested.
Sorry, there are no rooms available at this hotel for the dates you requested.
Marty best to call direct and tell them ........
" Speedster Owner's Group "
I'll call my contact there tomorrow to get a current room count.
" Speedster Owner's Group "
I'll call my contact there tomorrow to get a current room count.
Contact information is at the top of this thread, call direct, you cannot get the discounted rate through their website. Let's give Alan until tomorrow to resolve the block size issue.
I dropped the ball.
re: 14 hour 500 mile hell day in NJ and Philly...will call the Hotel first thing in the AM
re: 14 hour 500 mile hell day in NJ and Philly...will call the Hotel first thing in the AM
Bruce---so you know; Alice is going to be in D.C. with our daughter during Carlisle and Russ is going to join me. He'll be driving his 911 and we come in Thursday.
We are really looking forward to Carlisle!
We are really looking forward to Carlisle!
No Brenda, Jack? Francine needs someone to shop with !
So David, how's it goin', eh?
Everything all Subbie-ized?? Really looking fwd to meeting up again w/ you and Francine at Carlisle and noodling out your conversion. Take care between now and then, and give my regards to your shopper. She gets the prize, I think, (or maybe Jack's wife will give her a run for the money ??) for right-seat miles logged. Say, that sounds like a great prize for the Group this year: Most Right Seat Miles in a Year. Just need to think up a proper award to go with the honor . . .
Everything all Subbie-ized?? Really looking fwd to meeting up again w/ you and Francine at Carlisle and noodling out your conversion. Take care between now and then, and give my regards to your shopper. She gets the prize, I think, (or maybe Jack's wife will give her a run for the money ??) for right-seat miles logged. Say, that sounds like a great prize for the Group this year: Most Right Seat Miles in a Year. Just need to think up a proper award to go with the honor . . .