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With everyone more than satisfied with last years hotel we'll be once again return to the Courtyard at Marriot Hotel for Carlisle 2013.
Inclusive of our room block the hotel is already sold out, we expect a substantial increase in attendance as this our 10th year so when our rooms are gone ...they're gone !
Room reservations are under:  "Speedster Owner's "

Courtyard by Marriott 4921 Gettysburg Rd. Mechanicsburg, PA 17005 (717) 766 9006

Room Block:
(47) rooms for Thursday 5/16
(47) rooms for Friday 5/17
(47) rooms for Saturday 5/18

Equal number of double queens and single king rooms available.

The contracted room rate is $118.00 per night.
Room reservations: "Speedster Owner's Group"
Please call the Hotel direct at (717) 766 9006 ASAP to reserve your room

Reservation cut off date is April 16, 2012 24 hour advance notification for all cancelations is required
Check in 3:00PM Check out 12:00 Noon

This hotel facility is 100% smoke and pet free

The hotel has a large lobby area, outdoor court yard and indoor pool On site 24 hour grounds security.
Complimentary hospitality room is included for Thursday, Friday & Saturday nights.

This hotel is located 15 -20 minutes east from the Carlisle Fairgrounds. PA. Tpk east to exit 236 or local roads.
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We stay in the Penn Hills area the first night on the way to Carlisle.  Its about 3/4 the way.  We stay at nice Marriott hotel.  Good restaurant area & safe area for Speedster.  Makes a nice easy 3 hour drive the second day so you're not tired for the Thursday activities. It would be cool to caravan.  The first day is a biotch(hopefully construction done on turnpike) but the second day is an awesome drive through the hills and down into Carlisle.      


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Yeah, I pulled a GERDDDDDDD on ya!


But the truth is, at this juncture, it looks like I may be doing a 6-day bicycle ride with some old friends around that time and simply can't afford to do both.  I'll be re-joining the New England TYP356 group again for 2013 and see what they are all up to.  In 2012, they hosted the PCA East Coast Holiday, so they're a pretty active (and local) group.


Enjoy Carlisle, everyone!



The Speedstah Guy from Grafton

Boy!  That picture got me thinking........Especially for you Hombres in SoCal.  There used to be a BUNCH of pirate Mexican radio stations blasting into SoCal in the 50's - 70's, a lot of them with great Chicano music.  Out of those bands came guys like Freddie Fender, Flaco Jiminez, David Hidalgo (of Los Lobos) and a bunch of others who formed Los Super Seven sometime in the late 90's - a terrific Chicano band from your area, but that picture reminded me of a particular song titled; "The El Burro song".  Scroll down on the following link and look on the right hand side for "El Burro Song" and click "play - the song will tell the rest.  Kinda fits you three...


Don't forget to crank up the volume and REALLY listen to the lyrics!!!!!!!!


And for your musicians out there, listen to how tight this band is!

Scro ........... Peter Venuti in Beverly, MA will be in a caravan passing near you.  I copied his message to me here:


Hi John,


I’m in Beverly Ma. In the past I have driven out the pike on Thursday morning and meet up with Gordon and his wife Kathy at the Charlton rest area.  From there we head to Southington, CT where we rendezvous with Al and Heidi Gallo and Lenny C. Then we continue south to meet up with Carl Berry in Danbury, CT and Danny P in Montgomery, NY.


So far I see everyone but Gordon and Kathy have confirmed there attendance to the event. So the route may change slightly depending on that and if the folks who attended last year are up for another caravan.


Let me know if you heading down on Thursday and if any of those towns on the way might be a good spot to meet up with you.



Hi Marty, yes, I find this site so much different and lacking thAn the previous site... I used to love to look at members pics, but that is not possible now.   No, I am not doing a 2.0 Turbo. Mine is not that far along.  I am going with a 2.5 non turbo Subaru.  I believe  both you and Peter Venuti advised me against the turbo, so I was happy when I spoke with Henry and he told me he was going non turbo.  Mine should be done in a month  or two.  I am jealous of you and your subi..... It's awesome....Love how the top matches the wheels.....

Cool, your gonna love it.  A few of us are just curious of how the installation looks on a Turbo car.   The Subaru runs like a top and I never need to fuss with the engine.  One Oil Change since purchase and that is it.  Maybe add one more piece of info to your name like Chris-Scro   and we can place who you are.  Then I can defend you when the Devil calls you Scro-tum 

Alan reserved a block of 47 rooms.  So far I've received 33 RSVPs.  So, assuming only 33 rooms have been reserved, there are only 14 left.  BUT my guess is several RSVPs haven't been received yet and there are fewer than 14 rooms remaining.       


So it's important that if you are coming to Carlisle you need to start making your hotel reservations.  When the block is full there are no more rooms available at this hotel. Since the hotels are filling up in the area we may need to grab up a few more rooms at another location so the sooner we know the need the better.  I know it's cold outside but think Spring!   

Okay. I've reserved a block of two rooms at my house. Each room has a capacity of 27 adults and a fifty-mile view of the Kittatinny Ridge. On-site parking is limited but there's shuttle service to a park-and-ride at a Weis Market down the hill. Make sure you reserve early and register for a seat in the garage for the engine lid and venturi installation seminar.


Max the Hotelier


P.S. We just had an extra space open up. Lane had to cancel.

I am looking forward to my first time at the event.  Having taken everybody's advise I'm having my new Sub Engined Beck delivered to Carlisle so I can participate in the Cruises.  I will then have it trucked down to South Florida to finish the dreaded sorting. Carey and his team have been great and I really don't expect any issues.  The car is well on track to be ready on time.


Here is a "before" picture of my Suby 2.51L engine after the first 100,000 miles .


I would love to have a subie in it, but I like working on my aircooled VWs too.  I added driving lights and an A1 Sidewinder exhaust to it this winter.  I can see how Max's car has a soul.  How else can you explain the time,polish,repair and love we put in these cars. For Alan its the pride of creating something from a piece of fiberglass junk to a work of art.  Me...I just love to rub on her till she screams.

  Yea Dave,  I would like to change the heart of the beast sometime and when I do I will need your help.  Tom

WOW!  Talk about being late to the party.  Holy crow.


What number do I call the reserve space at Max's Hotel??  Don't want to miss that one.


Meanwhile, I have gotten registered at hotel and the showgrounds, so that is done.


It's going to take me a while to sort through all this chatter (three pages worth??!).  I have been a way for a while.  First, just not getting it w/ the "new" website horsesh**, then not really getting it w/ the Facebook angle either, and also being out of the country for a month.  Anyway, do I see that Gordon/Chris are not coming?  No Cuz'n Vinny, and no Lane either?  That does not sound right.  But Maybe GERD?  Now that would be a treat . . .


So the fundamental question: is there going to be a caravan coming up from the south, meeting in Hagerstown (or wherever) on Thursday, etc.  Just checking.


Short of the story: count me in.




Hey guys, I think the gentleman who was a judge and drives a yellow speedster is John Weyand and he comes from Ohio if we're talking about the same guy. He and his wife Nancy made a visit to the extreme East Coast last summer. Very nice folks. John told me he might not be able to make it this year as he does volunteer work in Haiti and it takes place at the same time this year.  As I said , very nice folks.

(maybe he should be from the "Volunteer State")

Host hotel rooms are sold out - but there are others nearby....


I received an email from one of our Speedster owners saying he called for a room today and was told our block of 47 rooms at the Courtyard Harrisburg West/Mechanicsburg is sold out.  For those of you who have not yet made hotel reservations, the following link to Google Maps outlines several hotels located within 2-3 miles of the host hotel and some still have vacancies:,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44158598,d.dmQ&biw=1280&bih=823&wrapid=tlif136390406562510&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=hotels+near+Courtyard+Harrisburg+West/Mechanicsburg&fb=1&gl=us&hq=hotels&hnear=0x89c8e9cd1df3e667:0x96e7d940ddfa8a16,Courtyard+Harrisburg+West/Mechanicsburg,+4921+Gettysburg+Rd,+Mechanicsburg,+PA+17055&sa=X&ei=XoZLUdO_D5G40gGJxIHgAQ&ved=0COcBELYD


My suggestion is to call the host hotel first and try anyway, they might get cancellations from other groups who have reservations there. 


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Sold out? That should keep the front desk busy.

Did we occupy that many rooms last year?


Envious spectators are in for a treat seeing a stream of raucous Porsche replicas hijacking their roads. Maybe the Chamber of Commerce could assign a siren blasting motorcycle escort to clear us through red light intersections! cool would that be!


Or...We could all turn on our headlights and hire a big black hearse to lead us at a slower more dignified pace.

Don't forget the Smirnof Ice!


And that "slower, more dignified pace" only lasts for a while, and then those of us toward the back of the pack see some interesting passing over double yellow lines!


And yes, Kelly, Kathy and I are coming for sure, and Chris has a room...Whether he can find the time to escape for a weekend with his junior crew chief remains to be seen.

Last edited by Gordon Nichols

Oh, boy, been there, done that whole outfit, Gordon! I think it was 2006, when Lane's car got built.


And don't pick on Cory and I too much, we bring out the worst/best in each other. Like the brotherI never had(three sisters I grew up with).


My opinion, if you aren't crossing the lines, you aren't driving fast enough! Did you all stay in the lines when coloring as a child? 

Yup.  El Senor Frazer


BTW:  Chris will probably be bringing his daily commuter car/office, a late Audi A4 (complete with two kiddie seats) so he may wander off to the Audi folks from time to time.  I think they always win for best hospitality tent or something like that.  He hasn't yet decided to bring along the rest of the tribe and do a side-trip to Sesame Street or not - we'll know as we get closer - but Lucas, the 3-yr-old Junior Crew Chief is a very definite maybe.  

Yeah, I saw the missing tilde, but I was on my Macbook at the time and find it Múcho easier to do Spanish emails with the iPad/phone (just hold down the key and all of the language variations are displayed to choose from).  No idea how that works on a Microsquash system, as it's been almost twenty years since I had one, now.....


Boy!   Everybody keeps bringing more and more relatives and we may have to get a bigger banquet hall!!  (Again!!)


And East Coast Bruce was worried that first year if anybody would show up......Now, our Thursday crowd is better than most people see on a big weekend!!!!!!

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