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We have a lot of time yet, but let's use this as a place to plan the logistics for the meeting of the southeast caravan threads.  I will be coming up from Charleston to Christiansburg on Wednesday the 14th with at least one other Charleston person.  We will do the I-26 -> I-77 -> I-81 route as usual.  Is there anyone else coming from that direction who wants to meet up with us prior to the overnight in Christiansburg?


I assume that there will be the usual group coming in from the west via I-40 as well.  Any other threads coming in from other directions?


Yeah, I know it's early, but I'm stuck between meetings and am bored. 

Formerly 2006 Beck Speedster (Carlisle build car), 1964 Beck Super Coupe

Last edited by Lane Anderson
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Entirely too early.  My oil is probably frozen.  the thermo-metrometer said 4.8 F as the low this AM.  Plus 20 mph wind.  Good day to stay indoors and dream of top-down cruising.


So, as to the SoEast caravan -yes, as always.  See you in Hagerstown, or wherever near I70 and I81, right?.  Will need to find a suitable lunch-o-rama, as Shoney's was closed down last time through.  There must be an app for this sort of thing.  If I only had a smartphone . . .

The famous (?) Shoney's in Hagerstown is apparently out of business. Shoney's nationwide has apparently downsized a bit.  Perhaps we can stop at the place farther up the road in PA where we met up with the Yankees.  Also, maybe we could actually eat lunch this time.  Wrench turners, beware!


On a more pleasant note, the Brooklyn grill in Bristol, VA, is apparently alive and well.  I will verify this before our drive day as this place, a chance discovery on a previous cruise, has been a real hit with those who have eaten there.  


The cruise lives!

Originally Posted by Lane Anderson - Mt. Pleasant, SC:

Nah, they closed the base to nonessential personnel so I'm "working from home." 

Laner...does it hurt when they consider you nonessential or do you just feel non- guilty and look the other way when your bank account gets a nice bump every two weeks ?  :-)

Last edited by David Stroud IM Roadster D



I hope I'm not too late, but have you stocked up for the "Ice Storm of this Generation"??????


You'll need lots of water, bread (even if you don't eat bread), 5-6 pounds of breakfast sausage (Jimmie Dean is nice), LOTS of toilet paper, Gallons of milk (even if you don't drink milk), LOTS of paper towels, Lots of chips and salsa and, of course, 2-3 CASES of wine or, if you prefer the hard stuff, one quart each of the following: Glenfidich, Oban and Jameson or Bushmills ( you might as well have a whiskey tasting while you're sitting at home.  


Also, you'll need about 100 candles, two boxes of matches, a camp stove, a grill propane refill, 8-10 fleece blankets or two sleeping bags for 40° below and several boxes of condoms.


At least, that's what they tell us to get for a Nor'Easter up here.......

Lane, for a moment I felt for you until I seen the forecast for your area; whatever you get will be melted in 24 hours.  I am just an "Unfrozen Caveman" waiting for Spring.  I had the girls in the office starting their cars every few hours so that could make sure they get home ok.  Its -23 now with the wind chill.  Tommorow looks to be a heatwave at temps climing to 18 and it will feel like 1 with the wind chill (that's a 22 degree improvemnt)   

Last edited by Marty Grzynkowicz

Marty, Marty, Marty......


As we learned this morning on this site, the temperature in Naples. Florida was a frigid 82 degrees, a mere 85 degrees higher than we were at the same time, in Peoria. Of course, they felt like 82 while we felt like minus 23. That is only a difference of 105 degrees in what the body perceives.


In 48 hours the south will be back to reasonable temperatures, we will be in the middle of another snow storm.


Things are working out well here in the middle of the middle...

Originally Posted by Lane Anderson - Mt. Pleasant, SC:

I have a couple of bottles of Maker's Mark, some Tullamore Dew, some Glen Morangie, some Boodles (best gin on the planet), a big bottle of wine, and some Palmetto Brewery Espresso Porter.  What more do I need?


Oh...  We did pick up some firewood in case the power goes out.  Of course to get to the fireplace we'll have to move the big-screen TV.

Good choices for booze, I think, but I am developing a taste for gin.  Right now, I think Beefeaters is my choice, but I have a buddy that serves Boodles and it ain't bad either.  The key words are "London Dry".  Pick your poison. 

Keeerikees,'r a sailor too ? And a 38 Catalina 38 to boot ? Screw the trip on the speedster...let's get offshore. My boat's names were Deep Six, Number 2, Antilles Trader and Sea Moan.  Don't  ask Francine about the last one, eh ?


I've done the lower Carib, looped the Bahamas, assisted a buddy from Lauderdale to deliver an Irwin 52 to Nassau with a Portugues deck hand and two friendly "assistants" for a couple of stock brokers from Miami. As I remember, there wasn't much wind, Yeager and I kept the staff up to muster tho' and Paulo was mostly tending the auto pilot. Good food and grog on board and we made it in five days !


Earlier we sailed a Morgn 33 in the Bahamas and a Morgan 41 from Lauderdale to Key West and back. The Eagles were doing Hotel Cali at the time...

Last edited by David Stroud IM Roadster D
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