The hills around the car museum were pretty awesome last year and the weather was awesome...
Just found the post. I was looking in the events section. Of course Maddie and I will be there with the ERV. Making reservations today!
It seems like there might be others expecting to see this in the events section. I think I suggested early in the thread that it be moved there. That still seems like a good idea @Theron
Thank you @Theron.
Carlisle Courtyard by Marriott room reservations: I'll be posting a weekly room reservation list
14 rooms to date ~
Arseurau, Ascherman, Carley, Duckworth, Erickson, Gallo, Greig, Holden, McKelvey, Merklin, Mossberg, Mullis, Stroud, Thiboduea
The room rate is $132.00 per night plus applicable taxes. You are encouraged to book your asap as there are a number of area events taking place the same weekend. Area hotels sell out quickly.
Courtyard by Marriott
Group Name: Speedster Owners. May 14,15,16 2020 Rate : $132.00 per night
Check in is 3:00 pm & Check out is 12:00 noon.
Room cancellation policy: Must cancel 24 hours prior to scheduled 12 (Midnight) the day prior to arrival cancellation policy. Any reservation not canceled in accordance with reservation policies will be subject to a cancellation fee of one night’s room and tax.
WOW, that was easy! I called and got her voice mail, so I left my name and dates. A short while later I get an email confirming the reservation. Done!
I plan for a Wednesday arrival again. See y'all there!
Lane Anderson posted:WOW, that was easy!
I called and got her voice mail, so I left my name and dates. A short while later I get an email confirming the reservation. Done!
I plan for a Wednesday arrival again. See y'all there!
Yup I streamlined everything for the hotel with more to come in the next few days ~
Thanks Alan. You spelled Arsenault wrong I think, it's spelled "Left Field" LOL!
Funny thing is that is not the spelling either
@Lane Anderson, same here. Left a VM and got a confirmation 20 minutes later.
Carlisle - Courtyard by Marriott Breakfasts & Dinners !
Thursday 2:00 - 5:00PM Hotel Welcome w/ Cookies, Brownies and Lemonade.
Thursday 6:30 - 8:30PM: BBQ Buffet consisting of BBQ Pulled pork, Boneless BBQ chicken, Italian sausage w/ onions and peppers. House salad, BBQ Baked beans, Baked mac n cheese, Potato salad, Rolls, Cookies, Ice tea and Lemonade. $23.88 pp incl tax and tip . This will automatically be charged to your room.
Friday: FREE Buffet Breakfast 6:00 - 9:00 AM w/ Seasonal fresh cut fruit, Assorted muffins, Sliced bagels w/ cream cheese, butter, fruit preserves, Scrambled eggs, Breakfast potatoes & Bacon. Chilled fruit juices, freshly brewed Starbucks coffee also regular and decaf.
Friday PM we will pitch in and order in a large pizza order as we did last year or you can head out to local eatery's.
Saturday 6:30 - 11:00 AM: FREE Breakfast " E coupon " that you present to the Hotel's Bistro for your selection choices.
Saturday 6:30PM - 10:00PM Catered Dinner Buffet by the Courtyard by Marriott. Chicken Carbonara, Lasagna, Rolls, House salad, Green beans almandine, Steamed vegetables, Assorted deserts, Ice tea & Coffee. $31.44 pp includes tax and tip will automatically be charged to your room.
Sunday: FREE Breakfast Buffet: 6:30 - 11:00 AM w/ Seasonal fresh cut fruit, Assorted muffins, Sliced Bagels w/ cream cheese, butter, fruit preserves, Scrambled eggs, Breakfast potatoes & Bacon. Chilled fruit juices, freshly brewed Starbucks coffee also regular and decaf.
Looks good, Alan. I'm hungry already...
WOW! Nicely done Mr. and Mrs. Merklin!
I would assume it's Arseureau. My name is Thibodeau
Hi Thibonasaurus San.
Jolie Louise Daniel Langois Thibodeau is in there...
Canadian is such a wonderful language. I don't speak it but it sounds magical
Al … great job!
Love not having to drive to dinner … especially avoiding the drive back from dinner!
Chris MacDonald posted:Canadian is such a wonderful language. I don't speak it but it sounds magical
It's basically English, with an influence of Scottish, Irish, and French, and a touch of American. At least, in most of the country.
In Quebec, and other regions, it's French, with an influence of Scottish, Irish, and English, and a touch of American.
In Québec some are from Irish descent but they only speak French.
Bob: IM S6 posted:Chris MacDonald posted:Canadian is such a wonderful language. I don't speak it but it sounds magical
It's basically English, with an influence of Scottish, Irish, and French, and a touch of American. At least, in most of the country.
In Quebec, and other regions, it's French, with an influence of Scottish, Irish, and English, and a touch of American.
Tell 'm about Newfoundland then....
Is Newfoundland like Cape Breton?
When we were on Cape Breton it took us a while to figure out that they were actually speaking English, heavily influenced by Scottish, Irish and French.
I think, though, that the locals made up a lot of words (or went to Gaelic) just to confuse us tourists.
I gotta say, though, the local Celtic music on Cape Breton is outstanding.
Ah.... get your hype on, people!
Newfoundlanders speak English, but with a number of different dialects, depending on where they come from in the province. There are 'townies', who you can pretty well understand, and 'bay boys' (pronounced bay bys) who you might not be able to understand. We lived and worked there for two years, and my wife (who taught nursing at the university), developed the ability to discern what outport or bay her students came from. Most of my students were townies, so I never had the pleasure.
We never had any difficulty understanding them or being understood, and it was a great two years. They do have a few unique expressions, though. But that's another story...
Buddy you've been over there :0)
The wife and I have decided to camp at the show field instead of staying at the hotel.
At least you'll be moving up in the world. the camping area is up on top of the hill.
Maybe we can use your campsite as headquarters for the valve cover car races down the hill?
I'm kidding, I wouldn't camp. I went to get our show field passes and saw it as an option. I thought, "who camps at Carlisle?" but I assume someone does it or it wouldn't be an option.
I dunno... Sleeping in a tent through a May Carlisle thunderstorm would be a memorable experience, I would think.
I'll pass on that memory. The one and only time I camped with a tent...... it rained over-night which made the tent collapse. I couldn't get it set back up and I got so pissed off, I threw it in the river.
Just about all of the Myers Manx Buggy Club camps at Carlisle....
Basic Training, two poncho halves to make a pup tent it rained so hard I had to dig a trench inside the tent and down the middle …..that sucked big time.
Well, look on the bright side:
At least the rain kept the sand gnatts and mosquitos away.
Our first trip to Carlisle was many moons ago. Since it was the first trip in the Speedster we trailered behind my Chev S-10. It was Mothers Day weekend and we slept in the back of the S-10. We had a great weekend...she's a keeper!!
Looking forward to Carlisle weekend!!
I love the idea of having meals at the hotel. Taking a ride in a speedster in the dark and rain is not my idea of a relaxing way to end the evening. More time to chat and a raffle that isn't rushed.
Thanks , Alan, (and all) this stuff doesn't just "happen" .
Al Gallo posted:I love the idea of having meals at the hotel. Taking a ride in a speedster in the dark and rain is not my idea of a relaxing way to end the evening. More time to chat and a raffle that isn't rushed.
Thanks , Alan, (and all) this stuff doesn't just "happen" .
Lol, Al you made me laugh we are getting "old eyes"
IaM-Ray posted:Al Gallo posted:I love the idea of having meals at the hotel. Taking a ride in a speedster in the dark and rain is not my idea of a relaxing way to end the evening. More time to chat and a raffle that isn't rushed.
Thanks , Alan, (and all) this stuff doesn't just "happen" .
Lol, Al you made me laugh we are getting "old eyes"
What? You mean everybody else isn't driving with their high beams on?
Richard Wobby and his wife have camped on the fairgrounds a bunch of times. He has a camper he uses to flat tow his TD replica, and having that second HQ on the show field is kinda the bomb.
The trailer guys could sleep in their tow vehicles in the hotel parking lot and bum showers from the paying guests. If I was dragging an enclosed car-hauler, I'd absolutely do it. Roll out a memory-foam mattress in the back, and Bob's your uncle.
I tell my kids all I need is an extension cord and a garden hose, and I'm set for a couple of weeks at least.
I almost want to tell the wife we changed plans but don't worry, we will have an extension cord and garden hose
Showfield tent, tables and folding chairs are ordered.
Aside from the many entertaining activities on the showfield itself—which include auto-crossing and a "low car limbo" which Spyders tend to win when entered—I will be supplying two self-guided twisty-road/scenic overlook/winery/covered bridge/pub/lunch tours for our members to drive solo or in groups at their own leisure.
Both are about 100 miles and will take 2-3 hours of drive time on nice roads.