I talked to lots of guys browsing around the showfield at Carlisle. Almost without exception, no one even knew that replicas were part of the show, since the show was listed as "Import & Performance Nationals", or something like that. Due to that lack of awareness, it made for some funny comments from guys, when they would ask me about those poser "plastic car" people, and I would tell them that every car they saw was a replica. They would then peer at me to see if I was kidding or not.
The young tuner guys were great! They don't look like most of us do, with full sleeve tats and ear plugs, but they are car guys, who would peer through the side windows of my car at the engine, and say: "WRX" to each other. They were respectful of our cars, enthusiastic about the hobby, and didn't bother anyone that I saw. What more could we ask?
I understand the financial realities of a venue like Carlisle, and appreciate that they found a place for replicas. However, it doesn't seem too much to ask to at least include replicas or kit cars in the advertising. Of course, maybe it was listed, and I just didn't see it.