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Rain was pretty much a non-issue.  It started Thursday either when folks were returning or back to the hotel after dinner at the Caddy Shack.  It poured all night and ended around 9:00-10 Friday morning. The road was flooded near the hotel but we could still get around it in a nearby parking lot.  Some headed to the showfield and some hung out at the hotel until it was time to go to lunch. The cruise to and tour of the National Civil War museum headed out right on schedule at 1:45 PM with some putting their tops down for the drive.  The rest of the weekend was cool and partly cloudy with clear sky Sunday.  Hoss's no-rain dance worked once again.              

I am a long time lurker on this site and had planned to go to Carlisle today. The woman on the information line said that arrival at 1200 on Sunday would probably mean missing a lot and recommended waiting until next year. So instead we went to Emmitsburg for a family day.


We were headed home on 15 S and 270 S and got passed by a flatbed going 85 mph with a silver speedster/black top, beautiful car. Was he headed back to the DC area after being at Carlisle? I tried to chase him down to get a closer look and could never get closer than 2 car lengths - he was hauling in that truck! Hope to make it next year and that everyone had a great time!

Last edited by DCM

DCM: you made the right call as of noon Sunday. It's pretty much all over by then. Make plans for next May 16 though. It's an amazing show and the people there--particularly the Speedster Owners Group--are psychotic hooligans who will cause you nothing but agony and lamentations. 


Just kidding! I kid!


Actually, once they "jump you in," it's the best club in the world. And they have your back, anywhere you go, forever. 

Ditto. Had to work Sunday so all I had was Saturday morning. Got in Friday night with enough time to load the solo cups with beer for an evening stroll around the fairgrounds before falling asleep in the back of the truck (getting a little old for that). But Saturday morning was glorius. Had a few large mimosas (in Red Solo cups of course) while meeting a few of you and seeing all the great SOC cars up close. Since I had a speedster up close only once before it was great. LOTS of pictures and well worth the ride.  

Got home at 3:10 this afternoon.  Would have made it around 2:30 but I-26 was closed for a while as a dump truck decided to do some off-roading and take out a bunch of trees.  I now have 66,064 km (40,960 miles) on the car a bunch of guys put together at Carlisle eight years ago.  That's pretty incredible when you think about it.  I put 1733 miles total on this trip including some side trips.  The car ran beautifully except for one hiccup yesterday when it stopped completely.  Seems like a fuel pump issue, but I expect it'll be an easy fix.


The cars are wonderful but I will reiterate what Bruce and others have said, it's the people that keep me coming back.

Carlisle is a unique experience.  The cars bring us together, no doubt about that, but it is the people that keep us together.  Knuckleheads, gearheads, Drs., lawyers and maybe even an Indian chief.  Oh, and rocket scientists too.  All enamored w/ the little tubs (and Spyders with a "Y"), paying homage to Dr. Porsche's grand vision.


Thanks Bruce and Norma and Cory, and Wild Bill, and all who helped make the weekend work.  Only problem yet to be solved on the logistics side is how to fix the time machine.  We clock out about four days of foolishness (Thurs through Sun), but it seems like only a few hours.  What's w/ that??

edsnova, thanks. They really are time machines.


I've intended to purchase a speedster since around 1998. My chevy volt lease runs up in 2016 - maybe next year's show will be a good time to get ready to find one. I want it to be a DD which means probably IM is the only option unless the Beck side curtains are more weatherproof than I realize. I have never gotten to look at any of the replica/reproductions closely. Only real experience is when I rented a real speedster as our wedding car in 2002 - a car that the owner had bought for only $25K! Even with that price though, I expect what you guys have must be so much more enjoyable - modern, customizable, purchased to enjoy.


Glad everyone had a great time and safe trips. I look forward to meeting any of you next year!

Last edited by DCM
Originally Posted by Max Zimmer:

Kelly -- That shot of Hoss is inspired. Just priceless.

You may notice the grease spot under the brim towards the rear.  It happened while trying to repair my coolant leak and I've decided to leave it alone.  It's a mark of distinction somewhat like a scar or tattoo; it tells a story.

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