I am in the initial stages of drafting up the Longest Driven and Longest Trailered artwork for the event this year. I was on another car site yesterday and saw something called a 'reverse concours' -- and it got me to thinking.
I'd like to do an award for our Saturday night dinner which is utterly ridiculous, and I'll leave it up to you all to determine the name of it. Think along the lines of:
Least Improved
Rustiest Undercarriage
Least Likely To Be Driveable
Best Spiderwebbed Gelcoat
... and so on. In the spirit of the SOC at Carlisle, this would be intended not as an award or a reward for a terrible car, but instead as a little humor to encourage the hobby. The category would have to be funny.
I don't want to laugh at someone, but rather with them. That's what we look forward to at the show every year anyway. It might be nice for someone to wind up with a framed something-or-other on their garage wall to chuckle at while making those never-ending improvements we all have to make sooner or later.
Whaddy'all think? Who's got some good ones -- or should I can the idea?
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