I've got to give the hall a final guaranteed headcount (and a check to cover it) next FRIDAY MAY 10 so everybody who wants to eat with us better get me your form and the moolah by then.
Here's the count so far; looking good, people!
Bruce and Norma Stumpp, Lane Anderson, Bill Ascheman, Jim Lanz & guest, Michael & Jianping McKelvey, David & Francine Stroud, Jack Crosby (and Alice!), Toni & Max Zimmer, Kelly Frazier and Barbara Solomon, Paul Mossberg, Wolfgang and Adrian Seitz, Danny P and Michelle, Allan and Barbara Shapiro, El Guapo Jim Ignacio & Ginny, Cory and Jeni Drake, Bill & Audrey Haas; Lenny Cuccureddu (send your form, cuz), Jim and Bob Vickers, Michael Warjas and Dianne Croxford, Dave Kumpf, Dale Schumacher and also Mike Valenzano, Paul Holden and Glenn McCoy.
Rick Milczanowski and guest, Al and Heidi Gallo. Tab Tanner, Bob and Mary Carley, Rich Drewek, Ray Arseneau, Chris and Karen Thibodeau, Ron & Maddie Mullis, Al and Connie Merklin, and me and Karen of course.
Pending is Al Blanchette. He's supposed to be Drewek's right seater in his 911.
By my count that's 56 banquet eaters. A couple more would be nice; I told the lady to plan on 50-100.
Please everyone remember to bring an item for the annual SOC Plastic Clown Car Accessories Raffle for immediately after the dinner. Everything Must Go! (Into the kitty to pay for next year's event).
I'm about to start printing out name cards which I truly hope will be an easier job than wiring the Spyder.
If you sent me a form and/or money and I didn't list you here please PM or email me so I can stammer embarressedly that my Google Sheet has a bug in it or some such.
Much love to all y'all PCCA people.