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I am newer to this forum. I dont own a speedster yet. I am interested in buying one and have been speaking with Henry at Intermeccanica but havent pullled the trigger yet. However, I am interested in going to the event in Carlisle that I have seen some posts about coming this spring. I am wondering if anyone can tell me when and where this event actually is. I cant seem to find anything on the interent about it. I am from the east coast and I am intersted in going to any events to see some speedsters if anyone knows of any others coming up.. Thanks

2013 1959 Intermeccanica(Convertible D)

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I am newer to this forum. I dont own a speedster yet. I am interested in buying one and have been speaking with Henry at Intermeccanica but havent pullled the trigger yet. However, I am interested in going to the event in Carlisle that I have seen some posts about coming this spring. I am wondering if anyone can tell me when and where this event actually is. I cant seem to find anything on the interent about it. I am from the east coast and I am intersted in going to any events to see some speedsters if anyone knows of any others coming up.. Thanks

B. G.--looks like you are doing everything right--first speaking with Henry at Intermechanicca then inquiring about Carlisle. You are definitely on the right track! Plus you can dricve and ride in actual cars to see what appeals to you while at Carlisle. I'd recommend the entire weekend of events too---it's esasy to get a ride with someone there solo.

Yes--you will see all kinds of Speedster replicas at Carlisle and that is a wonderful chance to look at the mant offerings from various makers---plus see some sensational cars made from kits that can equal anything out there---"Pearl" for example, and some of Alan Merlin's creations.

Besides the cars , the pure joy and fun of attending Carlisle will get into your blood. To most of us the fun of events like Carlilse (and many others) is what the Speedster experience is really about.
You will quickly see why it is called "the madness" and let me say welcome to it!

Dates for the '09 event are posted under "events" --look at 9/28/09 about hotel sign up and dates.

Look at various other threads from the 2009 event toofor a flavor of what it's about:

5/5/09, details of Carlisle, 2009
5/12/09,Carlisle caravans to the event
5/13/09, Official sign up post
6/1/09, Carlisle '09 survey
6/8/09, Post Carlisle video

I hope to see you at Carlisle this coming year!

I dont know why but all of a sudden over the last few months I have become obsessed with researching the various speedsters. I love them!

I have owned two big old caddies in the past and those were fun, but then I stumbled across a porsche replica somewhere, and that was when I decided I really want to get a speedster. I have driven a Vintage Speedster and a Beck and I have researched every maker,
(alot of it came from this site). I think that an IM is the maker for me, but we'll see. Looking forward to seeing a lot of the cars and meetying some of the folks that I have seen on this forum in May. I plan to stay at a different hotel so as to leave the blocked rooms for actual "Speedster Owners" not a wannabe like me... Thanks for the great site and all of the great info and pics....!

Most of us started as "wannabe's" - and the venues such as Carlisle, Knot's and Morro Bay were - and continue to be - phenomenal opportunties to check out these cars AND the folks that play with them. (I bet you'll be hooked by the end of the weekend and so will your wife. Make sure you bring her along - I didn't even have to beg after mine realized that the people are really super!)
B.G., My wife Heidi and I attended the Carlisle weekend for the first time in 2009 . We stayed at the hotel with everyone else, not knowing what to expect. We were instantly comfortable and felt as if we were among friends. I mean instantly! You won't find a nicer bunch of people. We will be there again, with or without our speedster.

Also, it looks like , if you buy an IM , Henry will maintain it for ever ... even if there is a tornado warning.


Images (3)
  • Henry at work_3_1
  • Gordon and Henry_2_1
  • Henry at work_3_1
Since you now own a CMC I guess we can say "welcome to the madness." I'm surprised Lane didn't say it; he usually does. As Lane mentioned, a lot of us diehards do show up on the Thursday before the official beginning of the show and wind up going on a cruise Thursday night for dinner.

Often, we do a Friday morning cruise to a place of interest as we did last year to the AACA Museum in Hershey and had lunch on the way back to Carlisle. After lunch, we go to the fairgrounds to sign in and peruse event briefly. Friday night includes another dinner cruise.

Saturday is our day on the show field (aka "fun field"). All of our group with Speedsters have a place reserved to display our cars. The cars in this area are not judged, just shown. Saturday night is our banquet usually with a speaker and a raffle. This is a good night to wear a Hawaiian shirt if you have one.

Sunday is departure day for most of us although if the weather permits, we usually go to the field for a brief period and stuff ourselves with but another egg "sammich".

Gordon Nichols, esteemed event coordinator and member of Five-Cent Racing, will probably soon be posting sign up sheets on this website on the "EVENTS" page and will have more detailed information for you.

Hope this helps.

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