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I was there when they gave out the trophies. I think that since it is a Import/Kitcar Show they should have trophies in each catagory. Imports only and Kit cars only. There's a hell of a lot of Saabs, Toyotas what have you that makes it easier for big head counts. I'll have to email them and grease this squeeky wheel and put a bug in their ear. I'm sure a couple extra trophies wouldn't put a dent in the ton of dough they pull in.

A funny thing is the Fiero club winning every year - not an import and not a replica. Stacey Campbell and I took a drive around the show field in my Speedster, we got a kick out of driving through the "donor" areas (Fiero's and VW's).

BTW, it's important everyone registers with the same club name and everyone spells it the same way otherwise Carlisle doesn't accumulate them in the club count. A few of ours did not register that way and the NJRC members usually register with their club so it's tough to get a high count.
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