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This was the best of the best years at Carlisle, even if my Spyder motor's knock could be heard for a good distance. ( new motor goes in next weekend) Most everything went off smoothly, the rain held off until dinner time last evening and barely a sprinkle today at the show field. Not sure of the overall car counts but the turn out was high. Thursday night Cory handed me the keys to Hoopty and away I went down interstate Rt. 81. I understand that Kelly in his JPS speedster back off as I went through past the 90 mph mode....what a machine!
Moved the go carts to Friday night and a series of events including the all women powder puff race. Danny P. narrowly escaped serious injury (possible sprained neck) as he was in a hard head on crash with an unknown cart drive. I managed to not see my wife Kim sideways on the track, the impact was so hard that I lifted and turned my cart 90 degrees ...and we wonder why there are four point harness's and high back seats.
Bruce Stumpp (and Norma) did one hell of a great job organizing the various activities and managed to keep us "on schedule". Max Zimmer had yet another surprise birthday calibration too.
As of Saturday, Hotel Carlisle is under new ownership and I look forward to seeing their anticipated updates to their facility.
Hope each and everyone of the attendees had a great time as Kim and I did and thank you all for coming out! After seeing various new things that caught my attention, I may just build, "one more" in time for Carlisle 2011 :) ~Alan
Thank you,ECB,Norma,Wild Bill,Cory,Teresa,Alan, Kim,and I'm sure a few that I may have missed. Everything was organized and flexable and whole lot of fun. We met many new people (new to us)and broke bread with a lot of very interesting people. We even got to crash into them in those skid carts. A whole bunch of "crash test dummies". I think next year a helmet or at least a neck brace will be in order.Hope to see y'all next year, and maybe some folks sooner. Any one passing through, give a shout. It's a small place I'll find you. Oh yeah, I almost forgot...I got "the shirt" in the raffel. I think I'll buy a lottery ticket.
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