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Cars and Coffee is coming again next Sunday at the Blackhawk Museum in Danville. Last month, over 1,300 cars turned out. 

I was wondering if anyone in the Bay Area and points further had an interest in going to the event. It starts at 8am, but when I showed up last month at 7:55am, I could not find a spot. Therefore, I will show up next week around 6:55am. 

If any other speedsters were interested, I'd love to meet up somewhere nearby so that we could all park near each other. 


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IMG_3747IMG_3748IMG_3753IMG_3840Last month there were a few speedsters in attendance, including a beautifully restored '56. Today I was the only speedster in attendance. 

I was able to get VIP parking. I followed an F12 and Gallardo in the entrance, but got stopped by the organizer to park first car at the entry. The other organizer said, "you know that's a replica", to which the man who waved me in replied "I know, but I still like it". 

Just goes to show, it really doesn't matter what you pay for a car. It's the level of enjoyment it brings you is all that matters. It helps that it provides happiness to others as well. 


I had had a bit of a scare this week  I brought a friend with me to an event in Napa.  It started at 6:30pm and last until 11pm.  The temps dropped considerably.  It was 92 degrees going up to Napa, but 48 degrees on the way back home.  We, of course, were only dressed appropriately for 90 degree temps.  We put the top up on the way back home.  But I left the side curtains home.  We froze.  I finally pulled into the driveway and my friend pushed the button to raise the garage door.  I pulled up a bit then told him to get out before entering the garage.  When he exited he hit the garage door clicker, lowering the door onto the hood of the speedster.  As soon as it hit, it raised again. I have an old style flip out garage door.  We carefully examined the damaged.  Miraculously, there was only a small scuff on top of the wing that I was able to buff out.  I got lucky  



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"...the level of enjoyment it brings you is all that matters."


As you're discovering, that green jelly bean will bring smiles all around and open some doors you may not have expected.

If you're going to do the day/night thing in the central valley, with our forty degree summertime temperature swings, you may want to look at Troy's CruZin Windows - which look great with the top down (what they're intended for, actually) but also keep out most of the cold air with the top up. There's about an inch gap between the window and the top, but that lets in just enough air for ventilation and will keep you snug with the heat on.

Photos here.


@Terry Nuckels we would have loved to go to the Highlands tour.  I'm sure you saw all my neighbors there. I wouldn't doubt you saw my Eichler model there......but on the peninsula it would carry a $500k or more cost difference over mine. We live in the "affordable" Eichlers in the Bay Area; those you can still acquire for under $1mil.  Funny thing about the Concord Eichlers are that most retain their originality. In the more prosperous neighborhoods, homeowners tended to "upgrade" them in the 80s by removing the large expanses of glass, mahogany panels and globe pendant light fixtures.  

I'm sure we'll go to June's C&C event.  I think it's the weekend before the SLO event. 

I spoke with a few gentlemen at yesterday's event about Porsches and replicas. It was going well until one replica owner said the good thing about a replica is that it doesn't break down like the real thing. The owner of a Convertible D took major issue with that comment. That pretty much ended the dialogue we were all having. D'oh

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