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East Coast Bruce hipped me to this a month or two back. For the last year a new "Cars and Coffee" has been meeting each Saturday at the big mall just off I-83 in Hunt Valley, north of Baltimore. The next big one is supposed to be June 1.

Supposedly they had 850 cars for their March anniversary clatch.

Anyone else think they might make it?

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York is a great time.  I don't often make it 'til late because it's usually the same weekend as Fords at Carlisle, but this year...hmmmmmm...


BTW Puffinator, I saw your car at the Chesapeake Challenge last year and never picked up on the fact that it was a replica.  If I remember correctly, didn't they move you onto the grass with the "real" cars?

I didn't enter anything at Chesapeake Challenge, neither the concours nor the car show, I just parked my car in the parking lot.  While I was judging the concours someone else put an entry on my car. However it did fool a lot of people.  Two fellows one with the original Speedster and the other with a cabriolet didn't realize it was a replica but once I told them they became very interested in buying a coupe.  Their cars have become so valuable, they seldom drive them.

A group of us from Pennsylvania attended Hunt Valley C & C this morning, fabulous. The favorite car among all the outstanding cars was without a doubt was Rob's RSR tribute. I was parked next to him with Maggie's Coupe and everyone who passed by told Rob that it was their favorite car (and there must have been 300+ cars there).When Rob when for coffee, I pretended it was mine (not really Rob) and attempted to answer everyone's questions (I couldn't). We will attend again next month. Thanks Rob for sharing it with everyone.

Thanks man.  I was pleased.  That was a whole 20 mile run from my house and it's as far as I've been so far. I have to be out of town for a couple of weeks but when I get back I reeeeeaaaallly need to get someone who knows how to tune these things to have a go at it.  It stalls at idle (sometimes) and surges upon easy acceleration.  It spits back through the carbs at steady speed and does a weird thing that almost feels like a miss, but it's not. It's fuel related.  


Wasn't it you who mentioned a guy who knew these carbs?  I talked to so many people on Saturday, I lost track. I'm sure the right guy could smooth it right out.

It's probably fine. I don't think I'd leave it overnight but don't know his setup. He probably locks everything inside. He's there forever so people give respect; break-ins would be the occasional junkie, is my guess. I would not wander around there alone at night without good reason though.


If I hadn't just solved my backfire problem with Wobby's help (and tape) I'd be looking for an appointment with him.




   Would love to see your 37 at Hunt Valley, but the Antique Automobile Club Assoc. Museum (AACA) is having there 10th anniversary car show. Supposedly Porsche is the featured Marque we are taking our 912 and Maggie's Coupe. Our little group from Hershey will certainly attend Hunt Valley a couple more times this summer. The AACA Museum is less than 10 minutes from my home.



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