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Cars at Carlisle was on the Speed Channel on Sunday. It may have been a rerun because it included the Import/Replica meet from 2006. Not bad coverage of the many replicas considering they shared the timeslot with the imports. Several shots of the Speedsters lined up, the red flared towing the Speedster trailer, etc. A good shot of my wife and and I driving onto the grounds. Good coverage of the Special Edition Speedster build, Lane getting into the car, a couple of shots of Rocky and the guys working on it, Valerie Hines talking about the build, Lane and Carey heading out for their inaugural drive, etc.

There are two parts, running again on the Speed channel at 3:00 (Part 1) and 4:00 AM (Part 2). The Import/Replica meet is in Part 2.
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Cars at Carlisle was on the Speed Channel on Sunday. It may have been a rerun because it included the Import/Replica meet from 2006. Not bad coverage of the many replicas considering they shared the timeslot with the imports. Several shots of the Speedsters lined up, the red flared towing the Speedster trailer, etc. A good shot of my wife and and I driving onto the grounds. Good coverage of the Special Edition Speedster build, Lane getting into the car, a couple of shots of Rocky and the guys working on it, Valerie Hines talking about the build, Lane and Carey heading out for their inaugural drive, etc.

There are two parts, running again on the Speed channel at 3:00 (Part 1) and 4:00 AM (Part 2). The Import/Replica meet is in Part 2.
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