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There's a giant storm brewing up 'round these parts. Thunder, lightning; the whole works.
I went to my locker in the engine bay to get my car cover -- from MusBJim's loaner/lend-lease/don't-need-it-anymore horse-trade stash -- and discovered I had taken it home at some point over the last week or two.
So, I improvised.
Why does anyone care? Because now, for the first time EVER, I have used the duct tape in my toolbag. Whoever made the suggestion when I laid all that stuff out to take the picture a few months ago was a genius.
Check out my handiwork:

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There's a giant storm brewing up 'round these parts. Thunder, lightning; the whole works.
I went to my locker in the engine bay to get my car cover -- from MusBJim's loaner/lend-lease/don't-need-it-anymore horse-trade stash -- and discovered I had taken it home at some point over the last week or two.
So, I improvised.
Why does anyone care? Because now, for the first time EVER, I have used the duct tape in my toolbag. Whoever made the suggestion when I laid all that stuff out to take the picture a few months ago was a genius.
Check out my handiwork:

Never overlook the versatility of garbage bags either... Stow your stuff or tape them together and make any size cover for anything.

Besides, people just KNOW you're kuul when you are driving around a spyder in the rain with all your belongings in a garbage bag... I think in some states they can have you committed for such unnatural activities!

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