George, your answer(s) will differ widely depending upon a few minor things like transmission / R/P ratios, tires sizes and "stickiness", swing axle or IRS, super diff or LSD, actual weight of the car with you in it, carburation Bernie has selected to get to the 160hp, where the 160 hr occurs, what is the torque generated by the engine, and the like.
Off the cuff guesses, performance could be better but; 0-60? most likely sub 6 second if you have the tires / transmission/ diff for it. Quarter mile, most likely sub 14 second.
Regarding the rice burner in the next lane, some of them can and will bite you. We have quite a few around here in the 300+ hp range, with one or 2 approaching 425 hp....there are 8 generations of Civic to deal with, some are lighter weight and have engines that massage better than others, but you got a 2800 pound car with 300 hp against your speedster at maybe 1700 pounds with 160 hp, it may get more interesting than one might anticipate....