What Alan says is correct, execpt I assembled mine in about 2 1/2 months, working about only 2-4 hrs on the weekdays and about 4-6 hrs on the weekends, but not all weekends. The electrical was again prewired and Kirk at Vintage gives you the schematic for hooking up the wires correctly. The machanical, heck its only a VW, how much do you really need to know. It's fairly simple car to work on and I did it all in my garage at home. The trim, headlights, window, top, etc. have all been predrilled and as a matter of fact VS, installed the windshield, doors, hood and engine trunk lid on their deluxe kit. Interior, I installed.
I definately no this car in and out.
I am not a professional mechanic either.
Here are a bunch of guys that think I need some major work on my Speedy.