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Got up early (for us) to see our 2-1/2 yr/old Grandson when he arrived in the living room - Priceless!! Found he was totally OK with opening one gift (usually a toy) and playing with it for quite a while before moving on to another - he still has a couple yet unopened, even at 6:45pm!!

Visited with the extended family later in the day (Chris says HI! to all Y'all, and we didn't burn the house down when we deep fried the Christmas Turkey), talked about going skiing but realized that it won't be happening this year and finally realized that we're now Beaufortonians and belong in the South.

Hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas, and we're looking forward to seeing as many folks as possible at Carlisle this Spring. Look for upcoming notices of the Carlisle-related tours through Pennsylvania Wine Country as well as a possible visit to the Harley Davidson factory in York, PA. Should be a great Spring, and we'll see how many regional events we can scare up as the year progresses.

Merry Christmas to all!!

One of the "Speedstah Guys" from South Carolina
Yaaaaawn . . . zzzzzzz ... harumph.

Is it Christmas yet?? With only adults in the house, breakfast at noon, presents -- whenever. Pleasant enough day. Finished building a computer for my brother, and got him up and running well w/ some new technology. His old machine: 350 MHz P2, Win98 -- he needed help. Now has P4 dual core at 3 GHz, w/ XP. Some change. Gave mom an electronic photo-frame -- we called it her own computer. Preloaded w/ many pix of grandkids and great grandkids, and of course a certain maroon Speedster, which she has seen in person, but no rides taken.

So Happy New Year everyone -- and you too Vince.

Hey Vince: Lei this!!
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