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On light color vinyls you can use Mineral Spirits, I recently did an off white interior and it was a mess by the time I was done . I put a small amount onto a clean white rag and gently cleaned the vinyl surface in a circiular motion, it works wonders . Be sure to test your vinyl for color fastness.......... Do Not use Laquer Thinner!

Fantastic seems to work best for light clean ups , be sure to rinse the Fantastic off with clear water.
Thomas, the Drake Answer is three steps. Remember how easy it was to drill the holes in your hood after attacking your neighbor's SUV first?
Step One: You really wanted Audi's Saddle Brown anyway, and Coffee Brown isn't too far off. For a variation on the theme, try Tea Brown, maybe a light Earl Grey or an English Breakfast Tea Brown. The first step is commitment to a color.
Step Two: Plug in the coffee maker, and fire up a batch to the desired color temperature. Apply liberally by dumping it onto the dash.
Step Three: Abandon all hopes of having a great vinyl appearance at all, and instead hack up your car so badly with a recip saw that the only option you're left with is riveted aluminum. For that, you'll need six months and a whole lot of .030 welding wire. Oh, and some tubing.

Maybe there's a Step Four: Disregard any advice I might give you on the interior. These guys are right on the money, and your car looks FANTASTIC! What is that thing you've got going on over by the grab handle? Is that a clock?


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  • pass side dead pedals 061306
Wow. Excellent input. Thank you all. Do I need a hooded white suit when I apply this oxyclean?

Whatever I paid to this website is the best investment I have ever made, although if you saw my 401K that is not saying much. According to my last calculations I should be able to retire when I am 93.

Cory: Yes, that is a clock, an extremely important tool. I use it to compare the amount of time a normal person would be able to accomplish a basic task versus the time I take: e.g. "Wow. look. I remounted my radio and it only took 6 hours!" How would you know that if you had no clock? Given the precision of my car, a sundial also works.
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